Salesman UC

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Revision as of 16:58, 8 July 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Business Workflows and Events

Normal Workflows:

  • New Salesman Hired
  • Set Monthly target for Salesman (first time)
  • Salesman gets his first account
  • Calculate Salesman Commissions
  • Generate Salesman Target Report
  • Update Monthly target for Salesman
  • Add additional accounts
  • Close Accounts
  • Change Commission schedule
  • Delete or Archive Salesman

Some Exceptional Workflows:

  • Salesman hired with accounts
  • Client added by mistake
  • No targets set

Normal Workflows

Each workflow below corresponds to significant "business events" related to Salesman life cycle.

All operations are done under Acc > Salesman Panel

New Salesman Hired

1) Identify Jaguar User as a Salesman

  • Check Sales Person check box on Jag User Profile
  • (we assume new Jag User has been created)

2) Set Commission Schedule

  • Goto Acc > Salesman
  • Select Salesman, click Edit
  • Goto "Commission Schedule" section
  • edit commission percentage

Set Monthly target for Salesman (first time)

  • Goto Acc > Salesman
  • Select Salesman, click Edit
  • Goto "Monthly Targets" section
  • Add targets for next 6 months

Salesman gets his first account

  • Goto Acc > Salesman
  • Select Salesman, click Edit
  • Goto "Accounts" section
  • Add Account
    • set client company
    • set start date
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