Acc Reports CTs With No Inv

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Biz Req

This report helps to "catch" invoices that for some reson never being billed or never being mapped into any purchase amounts.

Report Types

  • CTs with Unbilled Sales
  • CTs with a Loss
  • CTs without Purchase Invoices
  • CTs without Sales Invoices

Hard Coded conditions

CTs with Unbilled Sales

CT should appear on this report if:

  • CT is NOT billed – (If at least one Sales Invoice does not exist (No sales invoice was issued against CT))
  • There is "PI" amount > 0 posted against CT


  • If a CT record does not reflect a purchase invoice against it, it is not required to have a sales invoice against it. If no Purchase Invoice is issued against the CT record, the shipment should NOT show on the report.
  • The system should not recognize internal invoices as a sales invoice for this report. If a CT records only has an internal invoice and no sales invoice the shipment SHOULD show on this report.

CTs with a Loss

  • If the Sales invoice exceeds the Purchase Invoice, the record should NOT show on the report.
  • The shipment should not be considered "Billed complete", until the total Sales invoices is greater than the total Purchase invoices.
  • If a record contains a Sales Invoice that is equal to or less then the Purchase Invoice, the record SHOULD show on the report.

CTs without Purchase/Sales Invoices

CT should appear on this report if at least one condition is satisfied:

  • 0 lines posted against CT in any PI in the system


  • Report Types: group of radio buttons that correspond to the Report Types
  • CT Created on Date: from / to date calendar
  • NOTE: CT Created on Date: = GenTab.17. Notification Date:
  • NOTE: if both dates empty it means do not apply any date filter (no restriction on dates)

Action Controls

  • Reset Form > clear all filter
  • Generate Result > HTML result(s) with CT#links and paging
    • Go back > go back to the previous page
    • Download to Excel > Excel report with CT# links


3 columns:

  • CT (link)
  • Client Company
  • Jaguar Office

With paging.

With download to xls.

Excel format

Same as HTML (ZUL)


Figure 1

File:CTs with no inv.JPG



0002157: (Reps) (CTs With No Inv) Add "Unbilled Sales" report type. Rename some labels

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