Jaguar Soft Dev Biz in Dec 2010

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This wiki explains major roles and business processes used in Jaguar Soft Dev Biz and Jaguar Internal IT.

Time frame: current and planned for next year.

Jaguar Internal IT

Jaguar Internal IT Mission: is to support IT software and hardware needs for Jaguar NY office and other offices: PCs, network and applications (email, MS Office, anti-virus, backups, etc)


Company President

  • all financial IT decisions
  • strategic decisions
  • staff management of Alex (helps to resolve conflicts, PTO authorization, etc)


IT Manager

  • staff management of Paul (helps to resolve conflicts, PTO authorization, etc)
  • covers daily core IT when Paul is absent


IT Engineer

Fully covers all daily IT work:

  • Level 2 (backend) - non routine server / network related jobs (internal IT and CT2 related)
  • Level 1 (helpdesk)- routine desktop support (non MS Office); MS Office; contracts; non IT


  • covers daily IT when Paul is absent

Jaguar Soft Dev Biz

Jaguar Soft Dev Biz Mission

  • To create, deploy and support innovative software in the area of Transportation and Supply Chain. Currently most modules and features are implemented to support Jaguar Transportation Business, Arden Transportation and Supply Chain. Number of smaller features (custom reports) are created for other companies.
  • First version of Domestic Portal/TMS solution has been developed that could be sold to medium/large companies.
  • Additional modules will be added in the future such as:
    • Inventory
    • TMS for Air/Ocean modules
  • Cybertrax 3 is planned as a new next generation platform
  • Professional services - custom software development for specific Clients

Type of work and related activities

There are 3 types: Support/Tweaks, New Features/Projects, proposals


  • bugs:
    • investigation
    • reporting
    • fixing
  • tweaks:
    • posting
    • defining requirements and design
    • implementing
  • training
  • questions from users
  • system configuration (create users, etc)
  • misc (example: create urgent report for Client)

New Features/Projects:

  • new features (example: add new report)
  • projects (example: integrate with Descartes TMS)


  • response to RFPs with estimates

Major Steps and Roles

Role Step
Module Owner or Client Submit request/idea
Business Analyst Define and document Detailed Requirements(DR) and Design Ideas(DI)
Systems Analyst Review and finalize DR/DI wiki; Provide SA Notes (SAN) wiki
Developer Write code based on wiki spec

Additional Steps and Roles

Role Step
Development Manager Review spec / Assign developer
SA/QA Testing
Business Analyst UAT
Systems Analyst / SA Wiki Update

Management: Major Steps and Roles

Role Step
Business Analyst / PM Manage timeline, communication for the project
Sprint Manager Manage implementation, releases

Roles and responsibilities per team member

  • Title: President
  • financial and strategic decisions
  • interfacing clients
  • generating design ideas
  • writing/editing proposals
  • Module Owner for some modules
  • Title: Vice President, Strategy
  • strategic decisions
  • interfacing clients
  • generating design ideas
  • writing/editing proposals
  • Module Owner for some modules
  • Title: IT Manager (misleading, should say Software Manager)
  • Develop business processes (for software development)
  • Monitor the team, help, train
  • SA role
  • Write proposals
  • Title: SA/PM
  • Sprint management
  • SA role
  • Write proposals
  • Support of selected CT2 components
  • Title: BA/PM
  • BA role
  • PM role
  • Support coordinator
  • Support of selected CT2 components
  • Title: BA/PM
  • BA role
  • PM role
  • Support of selected CT2 components
  • Title: Network and Server Admin
  • Releases
  • server support
  • infrastructure solutions
  • Title: Development Manager
  • Coordinate Dev Team
  • DBA
  • developer
Andrei and Roma
  • Title: Systems Analyst/QA
  • SA role
  • QA role
Sasha, Koltsov and Misha
  • Title: Developer
  • code writing
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