EA CT & TMS Business Process

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This article is the basic use of CT2 and the TMS for the Arden domestic business process.


There are two JFS operators who handle the majority of routings for the EA domestic trucking shipments; Stacy & Erin and between the two of them there are 11 trucking companies involved. There is some over lap of trucking companies between the two of them. As well, they both have assistants who also work on the TM. Shannon assists Stacy & Etan assists Erin.

CT2 to TMS Process

Upon portal record being approved

All APPROVED portal records are immediately pushed into the TM at the time of approval. The record(s) can be found on the TM shipment page, as well as on the CT2 TDS dashboard with a TMS Status as Import 1, along with the CT record(s). See #Figure_1

  • If record displays TMS Status: yet, suggest refreshing the browser in case of a time delay. If the status does not change, suggest double checking the TM for this shipment # and if not there, then manually upload the record(s) into the TM by way of the virtual group filters.
  • All hold with a date CT record(s) will be pushed into the TM shipment page the same day they are listed on the CT2 TDS dashboard, which currently is 48 hours prior to the approved to ship date.
    • Note, this will change to 72 hours at a later date.

Begin working in the TM

Once in the TM shipment page, each shipment number, (which is the CT #) will have a status set: new, rated or exception

  • If the status is exception, you will need to correct before you can proceed with that record. Suggest to update the record(s) in CyberTrax and upon save, any update(s) will be made in the TM.
  • Upon the browser refreshing, the record(s) status will change to rated and a carrier will be automatically assigned.
    • The system will check all of the carrier tariffs and assign the cheapest carrier, irrespective of the business process. If no carrier is selected, it is very possible that there aren’t any carrier tariffs in the TM, covering that lane.

Once the shipment(s) status is rated, a load can be created. There are two types of loads that can be created in the TM; the first type is direct loads & the second type is pool point loads.

See [[]]

Load types

  • For direct loads:
  • When you right click to create a load, the TM creates 1 load from the pickup location to the delivery location. The TM will NOT take into consideration the cargo available date(s) as per previous business rule requirements and once the shipment record(s) are selected, it will move from the shipment page, to the load page. The record(s) will be inside of the load # the TM sets automatically and the load(s) will also have a status: new or rated.
  • Upon the browser refreshing, the load(s) status will change to rated and a carrier will be selected. If the carrier the TM chose is not the carrier to use for the move, suggest right clicking and selecting a different carrier.

    • The system will check all of the carrier’s tariffs and assign the carrier, as well as take into consideration the carrier routing rules that were already setup. If no carrier is listed, it is very possible that there aren’t any carrier’s tariffs covering that lane or if only 1 carrier is listing, again it is very possible that there aren’t any carrier tariffs in the TM, covering that lane.
    • Should a specific carrier need to be assigned according to the business process and does not come up, suggest right clicking and select add a manual rate. Add a rate of $ 1.00, assign the carrier accordingly and follow up with Arden as usual for those rates.

Once selected carrier is set, tender the load and it will move from the summary list to either the tendered loads list or the accepted tendered loads list.

    • Most carriers are set to auto tender accept, expect for Express Air. They are the only carrier setup in the TM, not to auto accept all tender requests and they must be tendered manually by right clicking and selecting, tender.

After the load is tendered to the carrier and it is accepted, within 3 to 4 minutes the CT record(s) change their TMS status to: Load 1.

At the same time, the estimated pickup date (which is the load create date), pickup trucker & delivery trucker will set. This at the same time, the shipper who created the record(s) will receive the portal dispatch and confirmation e-mail. For Pool Point Loads:

When you right click to consolidate with pool point, the TM creates 2 separate loads: 1st load is from the pickup location to the pool point and the 2nd load is from the pool point to the final delivery location. Again the TM will NOT take into consideration the cargo available date(s) as per previous business rule requirements and once the shipment record(s) are selected, it will move from the shipment page, onto the load page. The record(s) will be inside of the load # the TM sets automatically and the load(s) will also have a status: new or rated.

Upon the browser refreshing, the load(s) status will change to rated and a carrier will be selected. If the carrier the TM chose is not the carrier to use for the move, suggest right clicking and selecting a different carrier.

    • The system will check all of the carrier’s tariffs and assign the carrier, as well as take into consideration the carrier routing rules that were already setup. If no carrier is listed, it is very possible that there aren’t any carrier’s tariffs covering that lane or if only 1 carrier is listing, again it is very possible that there aren’t any carrier tariffs in the TM, covering that lane.
    • Should a specific carrier need to be assigned according to the business process and does not come up, suggest right clicking and select add a manual rate. Add a rate of $ 1.00, assign the carrier accordingly and follow up with Arden as usual for those rates.

Once selected carrier is set and the load is tendered, that load will move from the summary list to either the tendered loads or the accepted tendered loads list.

    • Jewels Transportation is the only pool point location set in the TM to handle all of the local tri-state area pickups that are destined to ME or VA, NC, TN &/or GA.

Once the carrier is selected and the load is rated, it can be tendered, which will go to both of the carriers. Currently this is something that Descartes is looking into to avoid the multiple tendered delivery loads as this is causing inaccurate trailer counts for Lawrence Transportation & Albert Farms.

Again, after the load(s) is tendered to both carriers and accepted, within 3 to 4 minutes the CT record(s) change their TMS status to: Load 1. Which at the same time, the estimated pickup date (which is the load create date), pickup trucker & delivery trucker will set. This at the same time, the shipper who created the record(s) will receive the portal dispatch and confirmation e-mail.

Important note for any/all CT record(s) that have a TMS Status of Load 1, 2, 3, etc…

The record(s) should not be updated via CyberTrax as any changes made, will not update the TM.

    • If changes are needed, the following steps should be taken:

1. From the TM, cancel the tendered load 2. Delete the load. Once the load is deleted, the shipment record(s) will move back to the shipments page. 3. Once records are back on the shipments page, make any/or all changes to the records accordingly inside of CyberTrax. 4. Upon save, the same updates made in the CT record(s) and will be made in the TM. 5. Continue with the shipment record(s) to re-create the load(s).

After the carrier(s) accept the load(s) and updates the progress, within 3 to 4 minutes of their update(s), the TM will update the CT record(s) and they will have a TMS status set of: Status 1.

    • As the carrier(s) continue to update any of the pickup &/or delivery information, the TM will update the same and again the CT record(s) will update within 3 to 4 minutes with a new TMS status of: Status 2, 3, etc, until delivered.

Once the load is delivered, it is closed inside the TM and cannot be opened or updated unless a request is sent to Descartes.

    • If an e-form carrier (IE – Jewels, Albert Farms, Lawrence, Express Air) are unable to update a load and receive some sort of an error message from Descartes, it is quite possible that they checked the “I have completed reporting all the required Shipment Status messages”….

If that is the case, an e-mail message should be sent to Descartes for them to cancel the load. Once that is done by Descartes, the tender must be resent to the carrier and they will have to update the shipment(s) status accordingly.


Figure 1


Figure 2

File:TM Shipments Pg.JPG

Figure 3

File:Load New.JPG

Figure 4

File:Load 1.JPG

Figure 5

File:Pool point load.JPG

Figure 6

File:Load Status 1.JPG

Figure 7

File:Checkbox Load Complete Msg.JPG

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