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General Info

This wiki describes Commodity Table Business Object. Each field made a section so that other wikis (example pdfs wikis) can use this doc for mapping.

For example they can refer to Commodity#Pkgs On Plts

Kg Lb Units Feature

  • Add drop down {Kg, Lb}
  • For New CTs show:
    • if MOT=Truck-Domestic then "Lb"
    • else "Kg"
  • For Existing CTs:
    • System will remember to what value this was set and next time CT is opened it will preserve the same setting
  • Rename "Ttl G kg" into "Ttl GW" (there are 2 places: table header and TOTAL section)
  • Put dropdown into Table header next to "Ttl GW"
  • On dropdown change from Kg to Lb (or Lb to Kg) system will re-calculate values
  • On save system would look up what unit is used and:
    • if Kg is selected - save as usual
    • if Lb selected - recalc from pounds to Kg before save (because we store in DB in Kg)

Loose and Plts can not be zero at the same time RULE

Both #Loose Pkgs and #Plts cant be zero on one line in one CT at the same time.

Table A


  • Meaning: This is the purchase order number for the product shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: PO #
  • Standard Short Label: PO #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 30 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? N
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


  • Meaning: This is the sku number of the product shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Sku #
  • Standard Short Label: Sku #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 30 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


  • Meaning: These are the actual number of pieces for the product shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Quantity
  • Standard Short Label: Qty #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Positive Integer
  • Min/max: from 0 to 10 digits
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


Item Description

  • Meaning: This is the description of the PO and SKU that is shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Commodity Line 1
  • Standard Short Label: Com Ln1
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 60 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • internal: N
    • shipper: N
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


Ttl # of plts

Pkgs On Plts

Ttl pkgs on plts

  • Meaning: This is the number of packages that are packed on the pallets shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Pkgs On Plts
  • Standard Short Label: Pkgs On Plts
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Positive Integer
  • Min/max: from 0 to 10 digits
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Loose Pkgs

Loose pkgs

Gross Kg

Ttl G kg

  • Meaning: This is the gross weight of the product that is shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Gross Weight KG
  • Standard Short Label: Ttl GW Kg
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Decimal
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Gross Lb

Ttl G lb

  • Meaning: This is the gross weight of the product that is shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Gross Weight Lb
  • Standard Short Label: Ttl GW Lb
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Decimal
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Gross Unit

Ttl G lb

  • Meaning: This is the gross weight unit of measurement
  • Standard Long Label: none
  • Standard Short Label:none
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: dropdown Lb/Kg
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: List
  • Default value: If MOT is Dom Truck then default to Lb else Kg
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


Ttl HU

Container Num


  • Meaning: TBD.
  • Standard Long Label: Container Number
  • Standard Short Label: Cont #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: TBD
  • Min/max: n/a
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: TBD
  • Default value: Blank
  • Required field? N
  • User Read Access: TBD
  • User Write Access: TBD
  • Mode Of Transport: Ocean FCL/LCL, Trucking-Ocean


  • Meaning: This is to advise if the pallets for the product shipping are stackable or not.
  • Standard Long Label: Stackable
  • Standard Short Label: Stack
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Listbox option [Yes][No]
  • Min/max: n/a
  • Possible Values: Yes, No
  • Widget: Listbox
  • Default value: Yes
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck Dom for Client 2.1 phase 1. Later we might add for other MOTs

Hazardous Yes No

  • Meaning: This is to advise if the product shipping is hazardous or not.
  • Standard Long Label: Hazardous Yes No
  • Standard Short Label: Haz Y N
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Listbox option [Yes][No]
  • Min/max: n/a
  • Possible Values: Yes, No
  • Widget: radiogroup or listbox
  • Default value: No
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck Dom for Client 2.1 phase 1. Later we might add for other MOTs

Piece price

  • Meaning: This is the unit price of each piece piece shipping for a PO/SKU.
  • Standard Long Label: Piece price
  • Standard Short Label: Price
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Decimal, Currency - USD
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: Blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: internal, client, planner
  • User Write Access: shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck Domestic

Total Value

  • Meaning: This is the total value of the unit piece price multiplied by the quantity of each PO/SKU that is shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Total Value
  • Standard Short Label: Ttl Val
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Decimal, Currency - USD
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: Blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: internal, client, shipper, planner
  • User Write Access: no access, because this field is calculated.
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck Domestic

Grand Total: Plts

Ttl # of plts


Grand Total: Pkgs On Plts

Ttl pkgs on plts


Grand Total: Loose Pkgs

Loose pkgs


Grand Total: Gross Kg

Ttl G kg


Grand Total: Gross Lb

Ttl G lb


Grand Total: HU

Ttl HU


Grand Total: cbm

Table B. Total (in cbm)


Table B


Figure 1

File:Commodity Table.JPG




  • Need ability to enter Weight in LB


Solution: see #Kg Lb Units Feature

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