Shipper Interface

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This is a new module therefore at this moment it is not clear what components are required or affected. As a result all requirements are documented in this "main" article for now.

CBN: Core Business Need

This wiki section is managed by: Module Owner

Core business need is to "outsource" entering of new CTs to Vendors (Shippers). This supposed to meet these goals:

  • 1) significantly cut man hours at Jaguar
  • 2) streamline / minimize communications

Later (in 1-3 months) another big problem should be solved with a help of Shipper Interface: complicated approval process.

BR: Business Requirements and Design Ideas

This wiki section is managed by: Business Analyst

Required core functionality:

  • web based system to accommodate functionality below:
  • should be password protected

BR: Lock for edit condition

Lock the record once a pick up trucker or estimated date is assigned

BR: password protected web based access

  • M.O. prefers to "expand" Client App
  • Login Screen has TWO options:
    • 1) To Create a CT
    • 2) To log into client app homepage
    • We suggest to use existing Non-Jag profile to create "Shipper" users. In this case we need:
    • add User type radio: "Client" (existing non jags), "Shipper" (shipper users)
    • Set "E0. Client Company" = E.A. USA Domestic
      • this will also define E0 field
    • Part C. Link to Address Book = <this is a link to Shipper's company and user location>
      • must be T2 only!

BR: Add CT

This could be on one tab or multiple tabs The CTs created by shippers should be listed on a separate tab inside of the clients interface (IE next to the archive tab)

BR: Gen Tab fields

System should generate CT# and let shipper user enter some CT2 fields (some fields will be set by the system):

  • E0. Client Company:
    • system sets it automatically to "Part B. Visibility, Create CT for Client Company in Non Jag profile"
      • [IE - E.A. USA Domestic]
      • (not visible = not on the screen )
  • E1
    • system sets it automatically to client company for E0 client [IE - Elizabeth Arden]
    • (not visible)
      • If E0 client company is equal to E.A. USA Domestic then E1 client visibility is equal to Elizabeth Arden
  • C. Customer Ref #:
  • 2. Shipper (T1):
    • pre-filled based on "Part C. Link to Address Book in Non Jag profile"
    • editable once you clear the combo box otherwise read only
    • A notification must be sent to the EA DOM e-mail address ( that the address was changed
  • 5. Export Pick-up (T4):
    • required
    • provide list from Address book
    • same as on internal but only list USA/Canada addresses
    • editable once you clear the combo box otherwise read only
    • A notification must be sent to the EA DOM e-mail address ( that the address was changed
  • 3. Consignee (T2):
    • required
    • same as on internal but only list USA/Canada addresses
    • editable once you clear the combo box otherwise read only
    • Internally system should copy to Delivery To (T5) as usual
    • A notification must be sent to the EA DOM e-mail address ( that the address was changed
  • Created by
    • read only
  • "Time CT Created"
    • new CT2 field !
    • read only
  • Created on date
    • read only
  • 7. Pick-up Comments:
  • 15. Commodity description:
    • required
  • Cargo Available:
  • Cargo Due:

BR: Cont Tab fields

Everything we have on internal but: copy, move functionality

BR: Query Tab fields

Allow Client functionality.

This feature is lower priority.

BR: Edit CT

Ability to open record and edit fields above unless #BR: Lock for edit condition is true.

After record is locked show read-only version.

BR: Delete CT

Allow unless #BR: Lock for edit condition is true

BR: View CTs

If implementation is Client App based - use existing CT list. Else any basic CT list is fine.

SD: Systems Design and Prototype

This wiki section is managed by: Systems Analyst

  • Log on to client interface as a shipper
  • Create CT button
  • See Create CT functionality
  • Go to Homepage button
    • This navigates to client homepage
    • Shipper
  • Create CT functionality
  • Edit CT functionality
  • This shipment can be edited from Client shipment list on Created CT tab
  • Lock shipment for "Edit" condition, see #SD: Lock for edit condition
  • Delete CT functionality
  • View CT functionality
  • Communication Center functionality

SD: Lock for edit condition

  • IF Ct#Export_Pick_Up_Trucker OR Ct#Estimated_Export_Pick_Up_Date is NOT EMPTY THEN shipment record is READ ONLY

SD: password protected web based access

SD: Add CT

  • It consists of fields below:

E0. Client COmpany:

  • Label:
  • Widget:
  • Mapping:

  • Default: Created CT tab


  • Field M
    • map to CT#xyz ....
    • validation: ....
    • link to prototype: ....

SD: Feature Z




Figure 1. Shipper logs In


Figure 2. Shipper creates CT


Figure 3. Create Shipper Account from Non-Jaguar User




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