Billing for Virtual Group

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Business Requirements

See New Arden Trucking Project NATP (main)#Billing


To add this feature you need to add 2 components:

Wizard Pop Up

After user selects billing option on Virtual_Groups_for_NATP#General_Wizard_Step_3 system will:

Trucking Billing Manifest for NATP

Master Trucking needs additional tab: NATP.

See #Figure 2. Billing for Virtual Group

This tab has same purpose as Misc tab - to generate Trucking Billing Manifest. The difference is in how it is done and output design. Overall one is just a variation of another.

See what we have now on Misc tab here: Trucking Billing Manifest (Developer Guide)

NATP template:

  • has CT/GRP list as Misc does
  • does not have any other field present on Misc except "Extra Columns". Reason: System will produce xls with default values (as defined for Misc) and user will edit on xls
  • has additional (not present on Misc) controls/choices - see sections below


Figure 1. Assign GRP and MASTER


Figure 2. Billing for Virtual Group


Figure 3. Rate fuel per trucker (one trucker per spreadsheet)

File:Rate fuel per trucker (one trucker per spreadsheet).JPG

Figure 4. Rate fuel per unique origin and destination pair

File:Rate fuel per origin destination (one trucker per spreadsheet).JPG


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