Truck Detailed Manifest

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Parent: 1906

Task: 1916

Business Needs and Requirements

User would like to be able to generate a report that shows result of truck detailed manifest. The result will show detail per CT from Elizabeth Arden Trucking for virtual group with content information.

Technical Specification


  • This report is a spreadsheet report for Totals of virtual group for Truck move. It has one panel which displays a table of contents totals that is grouped per CT.
  • This report can be generated from Generate Document option Step 3 then select option Manifest from Drop down Menu

User Interface

Hard Coded Conditions

  • This report is used to identify ALL containers in a virtual group
  • Display result CTs that are grouped by container#
  • One container per section; many CTs can be assigned to one container or more.

User Defined Conditions

  • User can define the result whether showing type/unit of Ttl pkgs on plts and loose pkgs
  • Default value is "No" which is not showing types of Ttl pgks on plts and loose pkgs.
    • For example: Ttl pkgs on plts is 10 versus 10 cartons.


  • Define Virtual group using classifiers
  • Generate Document
  • Select Manifest and click show template
  • Result displays as READ ONLY on HTML view
  • Select option to display Pkg(s) Type/unit(s) radio button -> optional
  • Click "Download To Spreadsheet" Button


  • Output is an Excel spreadsheet
  • There is ONLY one tab on spreadsheet
  • Result shows 1 container per section with total numbers for each column
  • Spreadsheet consists of Header, Body, and Footer
  • Header
    • Report name
    • Generated for user's first name and last name of JAGUAR FRIEGHT SERVICES LIMITED by CyberTrax
    • Date Time Stamp
  • Body

Section 1

  • Trucker Name:
  • Reference:

Section 2

  • Container#
  • Shipper/Consignee
  • CT#
  • PO Num
  • SKU
  • Qty
  • Ttl# plt
  • Ttl pkgs on plts
  • Type (optional)
  • Loose pkgs
  • Type (Optional)
  • Ttl G kg
  • CBM (Please see Note below under Section 2)
  • Footer
    • There is no footer
  • Show output heading for each CT
  • Each CT result is separated by 1 row

Columns Definitions

Section 1

  • Trucker Name:
  • Mapped to none
  • Default to blank
  • Reference:
  • Mapped to none
  • Default to blank

Section 2

  • Shipper/Consignee
  • CT#
  • PO Num
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableA.P.O.
  • SKU
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableA.SKU
  • Qty
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableA.Qty
  • Ttl# plt
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableA.Ttl # of plt
  • Ttl pkgs on plts
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableA.Ttl pkgs on plts
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableA.Ttl pkgs on plts >Type
    • This is an Option for user to select on the template in order to show the unit of total packages on plts.
  • Loose pkgs
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableA.Loose pkgs
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableA.Loose pkgs >Type
    • This is an Option for user to select on the template in order to show the unit of Loose pkgs.
  • Ttl G kg
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableA.Ttl G kg
  • CBM
  • Mapped to ContTab.TableB.Total (in cbm)
  • NOTE: one CT has 1 number of cbm, so in this case, display it on every CT even though it is repeated.

Sort By Definitions

  • Earlier Container# to latest Container# (Ascending order)

Special Cases


Figure 1. Manifest View and Download To Spreadsheet button


Figure 2. Spreadsheet result view





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