Scheduled Reports

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Business Needs and Requirements

Technical Specification


This is a place in the system where reports can be scheduled (we assume the only place)

gen1] Access will be restricted (add this as item to user access table)

gen2a] It presents the following main fields

   * Rep Class – parent report (InTransit, MainWizard, etc)
   * Client (just a tag, not report filter)
   * Rep Instance Name
   * Date created / modified
   * Last Modified by

gen2b] optional/additional (some of it could be columns, some – tooltips): Discuss: do we need this now?

   * Schedule params
   * Recipients, cc, bcc

gen3] sorted by Rep Class then by Rep Instance then by Client

gen4] “client” here is not a report filter, it is a tag indicating for what client company this report is to be scheduled for (associated with)

gen5] it is possible to “delete” or “edit” or “add” new scheduled report

gen6] profile example: ...

Gen7] Discuss: UI above could be different. What is important is that we have “General Tab” as above with schedule, etc.

Plus we have access – link or tabs to edit specific report parameters.


User Interface

Special Cases



1) time set on reports must be GMT London time (display word "GMT")

3) CC, BCC fields are missing

4) REplace label "Client Company:" with "Report For Company:" . This will make it clear that it is not a filter.

Tweaks V.1.1.a

Note: Tw1)-Tw3) are Mantis 1268, tw4) is Mantis 1272 -- Tira 9:12 AM 2 Oct 2009 (UTC)

tw1) Schedule: Make time zone as a dropdown list and default based on Jaguar User Log in local time

tw2) Make Recipients: text box to dropdown list include a list of Client email (non-JG users) that depends on Report For Company dropdown selected. For example, if report for company filter is set to company X, Recipients dropdown list will be employees who work for company X --> Kostya said it is a tag, so this will be included for all the non-JG users list.

tw3) Make CC and BCC recipients: text box to dropdown list with combination list of Jaguar and Non-jaguar Users

tw4) Add Schedule option for Every __ hours with a dropdown list of 4, 18, 12, 16, and 24 hours

tw5) Allow user to manually type email lists on list box of emails for recipients -- Tira 4:12 AM 22 Oct 2009 (UTC)

tw6) CT# hyperlinks for client users -> link to view shipment on client interface, for internal users -> link to view shipment on Internal interface.

NOTE: manually typed email addresses (copied and pasted to combo box) -> anonymous: consider to have hyperlinks to view client interface. And if that user doesn't have client visibility, there is a warning pop-up message.

Tweaks V.1.1.b

Business Requirements

NOTE: this requirement is from Marc on Dec 15, 2009

Report class:

  • Daily -->(JG & Non-JG users)
  • Impending -->(JG users)
  • Incomplete -->(JG users)
  • In-Transit -->(JG & Non-JG users)
  • Main -->(JG & Non-JG users)
  • Past Due -->(JG users)
  • Previous Day -->(JG & Non-JG users)

Recipients: , CC Recipients:, BCC Recipients:

  • Drop down list (combine both JG and Non-JG users)
  • text box (manually typed or copied and pasted email addresses:anonymous users are considered as client for some reports). Please see exception below

Report generated results with CT# hyperlinks

  • If user is client, CT# hyperlinks are link to view shipment page under client interface> shipment detail.
  • If user is internal user(JG users), CT# hyperlinks are linked to view shipment page in Internal interface.


  • Reports that can be generated for both client and internal users are Daily, In-Transit, Main, and Previous Day.
  • Reports that can only be generated for Internal users are Impending, Incomplete, and Past Due.
  • Note: for Internal users reports, both dropdown list and text box for anonymous users (input for recipients, CC recipients, and BCC recipients are considered Internal users and the CT# hyperlinks must link to Edit shipment page on Ops> Internal interface

Tweaks V.1.1.c


Business Requirements

Personal tools