Minimum Requirements For Client Application

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Revision as of 15:30, 10 March 2010 by Paul (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] System Requirements

[edit] Minimum Hardware

  • Celeron 1.6GHz (recommended: Core 2 Duo 2GHz)
  • 512mb RAM
  • Direct high speed Internet Access (via LAN or HDSL modem)
  • Monitor with resolution of 1024x768 (recommended: 1280x1024),
  • Mouse pointer device

[edit] Operating Systems

  • Windows XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7

[edit] Internet Browsers

  • Highly recommend to use Mozilla Firefox version 3 or higher
  • Internet Explorer 7 or higher
  • Safari version 4

[edit] Additional Plug-in

  • Latest version Adobe Flash plug-in
  • Latest version Adobe Acrobat Reader

[edit] Related Web sites that must be allowed

[edit] Firewall requirements

Please apply these settings to your local area network as needed within guidelines of your company's policies.

File:Cybertraxreq-001.jpg File:Cybertraxreq-002.jpg

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