Trucking Billing Manifest (M) (xls) (OLD)

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Business Needs and Requirements

  • Operators need xls spreadsheet for Trucking MOT that has:
    • Manifest section:
      • commodity info (PO, SKU, etc)
      • general CT info (Shipper, etc)
    • Billing section:
      • per CT
      • has commodity totals (Gross weight, etc)
      • has fields that contain formulas

Technical Specification


  • It is suggested to have this option available on Doc Center Tab in Master
  • Please note that it is not required to have option to save generated version into the system (as for pdfs)
  • Design option: alternatively we could place this component in "CT2 > Reports" section. In this case text field to enter Trucking Master# would be the first step.

Select Groups or CTs panel

  • On "generate template" system would present pop-up panel that gives a choice to the user of what CTs to include into the document - see Select_CTs_from_Groups.JPG


  • See File:Trucking_Billing_Manifest_Template.JPG
  • Mapping:
    • Date // today's date
    • Client // GenTab.E0
    • Author By // Gen Tab
    • Rate // float; default=0.00
    • Min Rate // float; default=0.00
    • Fuel // float; default=0.000
    • Extra Columns // dropdown, choices: 1,2,3

xls Manifest Section

  • This is a table.
  • See example here: Trucking_Billing_Manifest_Section_A.JPG
  • Horizontally:
    • it consists of as many sections as there are CTs (originally selected by user)
    • each CT section has as many lines as there are in commod table for this CT
  • Vertically it has a number of columns:
    • CT# //
    • Vendor // Gen Tab 2. Shipper T1
    • P.O. // ContTab
    • Item // SKU, ContTab
    • Origin Port // City, State from Gen Tab 5 Export Pick up T4 // print once per CT on the first line
    • Dest. Port // "COMPANY-CITY NOTE" - 6. Export Delivery to (T5) // print once per CT on the first line
    • Actual Pick Up Date // Actual Export Pick-Up Date (mode logic) // for FCL date is per commodity item
    • Actual Delivery Date // Actual Delivery Date (mode logic) // for FCL date is per commodity item

xls Billing Section

  • This is a table.
  • See example here: File:Trucking Billing Manifest Section B.JPG
  • Horizontally:
    • column headers
    • body: one line per CT
    • footer: totals
  • Vertically:
    • C-Trax // CT#
    • Plts // CT ContTab
    • Pkgs on Plts // CT ContTab
    • Loose Pkgs // CT ContTab
    • Gross Weight // CT ContTab
    • Rate
    • Freight Total
    • Fuel
    • Fuel Total
    • Extra 1
    • Extra 2
    • Total
  • CT formulas (see line 31 in File:Trucking Billing Manifest Section B.JPG):
    • Rate // from templ
    • Freight Total // =IF(E31/100*F31<75,75,E31/100*F31)
      • note: 75 here is a "Minimal Rate" from Template
    • Fuel
    • Fuel Total // =G31*H31
    • Extra 1
    • Extra 2
    • Total // =G31+I31+J31+K31

  • Totals Formulas (see line 39 in File:Trucking Billing Manifest Section B.JPG):
    • each total is simply a sum of all numbers above it


Implement this feature


Figure 1.


Figure 2.


Figure 3.


Figure 4.

File:Trucking Billing Manifest Section B.JPG
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