Minimum Requirements For Client Application

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Revision as of 20:32, 4 February 2010 by Paul (Talk | contribs)
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System Requirements

Minimum Hardware

  • Celeron 1.6GHz (recommended: Core 2 Duo 2GHz)
  • 512mb RAM
  • Direct high speed Internet Access (via LAN or HDSL modem)
  • Monitor with resolution of 1024x768 (recommended: 1280x1024),
  • Mouse pointer device

Operating Systems

  • Windows XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7

Internet Browsers

  • Highly recommend to use Mozilla Firefox version 3 or higher
  • Internet Explorer 7 or higher
  • Safari version 4

Additional Plug-in

  • Latest version Adobe Flash plug-in
  • Latest version Adobe Acrobat Reader

Related Web sites that must be allowed

Firewall requirements

Please apply these settings to your local area network as needed within guidelines of your company's policies.

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