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Revision as of 17:41, 26 November 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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2009 November 20-30

Mantis folders re-organized

--Alex 22:31, 25 November 2009 (UTC)

I re-organized mantis folders. These are the folders that you should see:

Tasks assigned to developers in SpecQA mantis folder (important!)

Developers are going to be assigned tasks in SpecQA. This is not for immediate coding! This is to QA the spec. Developers have to:

  • set as accepted/started
  • review task / read spec
  • set emh
  • set risk
  • if there are questions - set to feedback, assign back to sys analyst (Alex or Tira)
  • set as completed and leave it in specQA

After they pass your QA at some point they are going to appear in the Next Sprint folder which contains all tasks planned fro Next Sprint.

Release to Staging has been postponed until Monday, Nov 30

(Nov 24, Tue) from Alex

  • We postponed because we want to test/fix all other reports as much as possible, not just List CTs/In Transit
  • Priorities:
    • p1) In Transit / List CTs
    • p2) Main, Where Is, Daily
    • p3) 6 internal reports
  • I assume we can test Staging in one day and if no critical bugs found - we release into Production on Tuesday, Dec 1

Reminder: Thursday/Fri are holidays in the USA this week

(Nov 24, Tue) Alex

December Sprint - radically new approach

(Nov 24, Tue) from Alex This time we are dead serious about long term planning:

  • Sprints period will be 1 month not 1 week as before
  • Release to production will be always done once a month (before th 1st of the month)
  • All specs must be completed, estimated and pass QA
  • It will be very important not to over promise
  • Currently PM Team is reviewing all tasks with stakeholders and assigning urg/high/med/low priorities to each task. After that each task will be assigned tentatively one of the Sprints in Dec, Jan, Feb, Spring, Summer
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