Upload Invoices Paid Amounts

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  • mantis: 0004470: Upload Payment feature


  • Data2Logistic (D2L) - Jaguar's EDI partner company participated in SI EDI project
  • Run - process of handling the invoices on D2L side
  • Vendor receives invoices electronically, validates them and then posts them into company's information system
  • Each run has unique number in D2L system (Run Number)
  • Payment information is a D2L report that included the list of confirmed amounts per CT2 sales invoices that were transmitted to D2L for handling.

Core Business Need

  • Ability to upload payment that is received from Data2Logistic with number of columns to upload
  • This should work similar to SKU to planner mapping upload feature.
  • Payment data is receiving from D2L as Excel file (see format), keeping in CT2 DB and can be showed as output of Main Report.

Component Description

  • Menu: Acc -> Upload Invoices Paid Amounts
  • User's actions - see log, upload/download file, .

Upload Log

  • Title: "Upload Invoices Paid Amounts"
  • Log Table shows history of uploads and contains of 5 columns:
  • Date - date of upload
  • File - name of uploaded file
  • Upload By - name of person who uploaded the file (name and e-mail).
  • Success - number of successfully proceeded payments
  • Rejected - number of rejected payments
  • Controls
  • Upload button - provides opening pop-up window for selecting and uploading the file D2L with payment info
  • Close button - closes the current window

Upload Window

  • Title: "XLS File Upload"
  • Controls:
  • Browse button (and "Select XLS file to upload" label)
  • Upload button - provides opening pop-up window for uploading the file of agreed (format)
  • Cancel button - cancels process of uploading and closes the window.

Format of Uploaded file

  • Invoice Number
    • Meaning:
    • Type: Alphanumeric
    • Length:
  • Paid Amount
    • Meaning:
    • Type: Currency
    • Length:
  • Run Number
    • Meaning:
    • Type: Numeric
    • Length:
  • Run Date
    • Meaning:
    • Type: Date
    • Length:


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