EDI 300

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EDI 300 is a Booking Request message.

It is an outgoing Message: Jaguar sends info to Carrier.

The shipper or forwarder can use this transaction set to reserve cargo space.

Types of 300 message:

  • Initial Booking
    • Booking confirmation (301) that follows with statuses: confirmed, rejected, conditionally accepted, pending
  • Jaguar Booking Update - booking amendment, initiated by the customer. You can only send amendments on confirmed, conditionally accepted or pending bookings. For rejected bookings a new initial booking needs to be sent
  • Jaguar Booking Cancellation - initiated by the customer. You can only send cancellations on confirmed, conditionally accepted or pending bookings.
  • Carrier Booking Update - booking amendment, initiated by the carrier. Supported by some carriers.
  • Carrier Booking Cancellation - initiated by the carrier.

Message Flow

Below covers most scenarious except updates from carriers.


We impose this limitation:

At any moment in time there could be only one Booking Request/Update 300 
and related Booking Response 301

Theoretically we could send multiple alternative booking requests to:

  • different steamshiplines (to maximize chance of any booking)
  • same steamshipline (say different dates)

but we are not going to support this now.

Business Process

Actual Master BP

When Master contains actual data.

  • 1/ Combine CTs into GRPs and then into Master (currently not all operators are doing this at the moment of booking)
  • 2/
    • Enter all required booking information such as containers, Vessel, Voyage, etc.
    • Pass all #Validations.
  • 3/ Send booking request by pressing a button in Master Context Menu. See #Master UI 1.

Estimated Master BP

When Master contains estimated data.

  • 1/ create empty master from Master template
  • 2/ steps 2,3 from #Regular BP

Note: User will wrap CTs inside the master with one or more groups later on (before EDI 301 is transmitted)

EDI tab

This tab is active only if:

Master#Steamshipline in given Master is on the list of 
active carriers in OS Admin (see OS#Steamshiplines) 
MOT = FCL or Client Consol (hardcoded for now, 
in ph2 is a part of Admin)

See mock up below.

Booking Request / Confirmation


  • ANSI#
  • Message type
  • Date
  • Event
  • By
  • View Message
  • XML


Before exchange is initiated only one row exists with "Create" Action.

After that all updates by operator, CT2 system, VAN/Carrier are carefully posted.


See #Actions

Shipping Instructions

See EDI 304



  • created (new) - message was initiated by Jag user, XML created by CT2 and waiting scheduled time to be transmitted to VAN/Carrier
  • transmitted - message was posted into VAN/Carriers FTP folder, waiting to be read
  • updated - Jag user initiates updates to existing 300
  • cancelled - Jag user cancels existing 300


  • accepted - no errors
  • rejected - significant errors found (syntax, structure, validations, etc)


  • conditionally accepted - (TBD)
  • pending - (TBD)
  • rejected (300 was rejected by carrier)
  • confirmed (300 was confirmed by carrier)
  • updated (300 was updated by carrier)
  • canceled (300 was canceled by carrier)


See actions available for each state:

General Rule
You can only send cancellations on confirmed, 
conditionally accepted or pending bookings. 

300 New

300 Update

300 Cancel

Present Confirmation pop-up:

Are you sure you want to cancel this Booking?
[OK]  [Cancel]

On OK:

  • schedule cancellation message
  • send e-mail to user who submitted with details of submission

On Cancel return user to Master Editor.

New Booking

Once button is pressed system should:

Update Booking

Once button is pressed system should:

Booking Preview Screen

It presents:

  • title: New or Update
  • all information that will be sent to carrier
  • missing required fields info (if any)
  • "Transmit" button (disabled if not all required fields are present)
  • "Go Back..." button

On "Transmit":

  • Confirmation pop-up will be shown. It will say: "Booking Confirmation has been scheduled."
  • Messages will be scheduled as defined in OS#Frequency
  • send e-mail to user who submitted with details of submission (TBC with Marc, details TBD)

On "Go Back...":

  • user will be returned to Master Editor, General tab to fix required fields.

Data to Send

Reporting and Notifications

Booking Status Line

See mock up under #Booking Menu.

Shows latest status/event related to the Booking.

Until 301 has been received I suggest to show 300 statuses:

new, transmitted, accepted, rejected

After 301 is received I suggest to show 301 message statuses:

confirmed, rejected, conditionally accepted, pending
It is possible to post more info here, for example BOOKING UPDATED
but it would be more complex and not sure if needed -alex-

Master Comments Tab

Post all events/updates related to all messages here:

  • Add record every time message was sent or received
  • Record content of the message, operator who initiated.
TBC: Marc had idea here - need to ask again

Email Notifications

Email Template

'''From''': cybertrax@jaguarfreight.com [cybertrax@jaguarfreight.com]
'''Sent''': <date>
'''To''': <user name>
'''Subject''': Rejected: <protocol number><message type><related master numbers>

Dear <user name>,

The following transmission was rejected:

<protocol number><message type><related master numbers>

This is automated message generated by Cybertrax 2 System.

  • <protocol number>: 300, 301, etc
  • <protocol name>: Booking Request, etc
  • <related master numbers>: Master numbers related to thi transmission. Example: M1234, M12414


997 Reporting

Optional for 300 (since we have 301 as a response).

Required for 304.

Dashboard similar to 997 dashboard in SI EDI (Data2Log).

Provides counter of Rejected messages.

Must be based off of #List Masters.


Log all related events:

  • when Process started
  • when Process ended
  • 300 sent
  • 301 received
  • 304 sent
  • 315 received
  • any 997 received

Additional info to include into log event description:

  • related list of Master numbers
  • status for incoming messages (such as accepted/rejected)


Grouping inside Master

Add ability to group/ungroup selected CTs inside the Master.

Extended Master Templates

Following additional fields must be copied at the moment of creating a template from Master Clone.

Add column / filter of user who created them.

TBD: ask opers/team leads if they cross share 
     or there is a benefit of cross sharing

Make Address Text firlds read only

Make the following fields read-only on Masters profile:

Master#Master Shipper Text
Master#Master Consignee Text
Master#Master Notify Text
Master#Master Pick-up Text
Master#Master Delivery Text

Add Estimated vs Actual Haz

Tags for required fields

EDI transmission assumes strict validations.

All required fields mast be marked as colored "*" (say orange).

Add note (in orange): "* Required fields for Booking Confirmation"

EDI Vendor Implementations

Wiki source files

File:BR+SI+designs Nov13a.xls

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