PL Tab

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Revision as of 14:04, 8 November 2013 by Andrei (Talk | contribs)
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User is able to see P/L report through CT profile via clicking P/L tab

Latest Version

PL tab contains tables and controls that have differences in CT and Master Editor:

Figure:Example of PL tab
  • Purchase Invoices table
  • Receiving Office
  • Vendor
  • Invoice #
  • CT #
  • Date
  • Currency
  • Amount
  • Internal Invoices table
  • Issuing Office
  • Receiving Office
  • Consolidated #
  • Invoice #
  • CT #
  • Date
  • Currency
  • Amount
  • Profit/Loss Amounts table
  • Office
  • USD Sales
  • USD Purchase
  • USD Int from
  • USD Int to
  • USD Profit/Loss*
  • "Type" radiogroup - select type of Amount calculation (available only in CT editor)
  • CT Individual
  • CT Group
  • "Download to Excel" button
  • "Close/Open Shipment" button

NOTE: Amounts in columns marked with * are displayed without VAT - this noted in top-right corner of PL tab.


Invoices and Amounts


Contents all invoices from all CTs included to Master.


Example with 3 currencies

File:Pl with 3 currencies.JPG

Example with one currency EUR

File:Pl with one cur euro.JPG



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