Arden 210 Truck

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This is for Truck.

This covers all CT2 Truck submodes: Truck-Domestic, Truck-Air, Truck-Ocean.

Original Fields

Invoice Number

Bill Of Lading Number

  • map: CT#CT Number for CT and CT group
  • EDI: TBD
  • confirmed by Dawn on sep 4

Load Number

Shipper Info

Consignee Info

Delivery Date

Ship Date

see Arden 110#Ship Date

Invoice Date

Total # of pieces

Total Weight

Billed Weight

Movement Type

Terms / Incoterms

Carrier Name


Additional Fields A

Correction Indicator

Method of Payment

Invoice Amount

Invoice Currency

Invoice Bill To Company Name

Invoice Bill To Address

Table Of Charges Fields

Charge Code

Charge Amount

Charge Currency

Charge Rate

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