Receiver Role

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  • 0004283

Business Info


  • Receiver - employee at Destination Door (Ship To) location who oversees delivery of goods by Trucker.

Business Needs

1) Need to provide Receiver the following functionality:

2) Add #Related Reports into the system.

Confirmation of Delivery

Currently we have these parties that can tag ASNs as being delivered to Destination Door on particular delivery date:

  • a) trucker (currently through Descartes TMS only or other EDI)
  • b) 3PL:
    • Jaguar operators (through CT2 Internal User Interface) or
    • other 3PLs (through EDI integration)

There are several cases in which we need Receiver to be involved:

  • 1/ both Trucker and 3PL can not set delivery status/delivery date
    • in this case Receiver could enter this info into the system
  • 2/ Trucker or 3PL sets delivery status/delivery date but we need Receiver to confirm it separately

Verification of Contents Delivered

Receiver will verify what was delivered by Trucker and should be able to enter that into the system.

This will provide info about possible discrepancies:

  • more goods received (same SKU/PO)
  • less goods received (same SKU/PO)
  • wrong goods received (different SKU/PO)

Related Reports

  • dashboard ad KPI reports

Analysis and Proposal

1) Under each Portal add Receiver user role:

  • with certain rights and access to ASN info
  • link to Ship To location

2) Add ability for Receiver user to set Received On date:

  • this is a new field
  • it is an actual delivery date as confirmed by Receiver
  • ability to set this date for multiple records (selected manually or by selecting filters); ideally need to add filters such as trucker, shipper, Received On, etc

3) Add ability for Receiver to work with Commodity Table to identify what PO/SKU/Qty were received under each ASN.

4) Add KPIs, dashboard reports.



  • Under Admin> User Admin > User profile > Gen Tab > User roles > Receiver
  • If Receiver is selected then "Receiver" tab will appear in user profile where all related configurations are located
  • Receiver Tab should contain:
    • List of portals (multiselect) for which this user has a Receiver role
    • Under each portal selected above multiselect for Ship To Location which user is "managing".
    • Both settings above provide visibility (what records Receiver can see/manage)

ASN Receiver Interface

  • Add "ASN Receiver" link between "ASN Planner" and "Flashlight" (Client App Header)
  • Link above will provide similar ASN interface similar to Shipper or Planner
    • Cybertrax > Receiver > Shipment List


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