Receiver Role

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  • 0004283

Business Info


  • Receiver - employee at Destination Door (Ship To) location who oversees delivery of goods by Trucker.

Business Needs

Confirmation of Delivery

Currently we have these parties that can tag ASNs as being delivered to Destination Door on particular delivery date:

  • a) trucker (currently through Descartes TMS only or other EDI)
  • b) 3PL:
    • Jaguar operators (through CT2 Internal User Interface) or
    • other 3PLs (through EDI integration)

There are several cases in which we need Receiver to be involved:

  • 1/ both Trucker and 3PL can not set delivery status/delivery date
    • in this case Receiver set it
  • 2/ Trucker or 3PL sets delivery status/delivery date but we need Receiver to confirm it separately.

Also actual contents could be entered against scheduled or indicated by a and b above.



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