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ASN 20 Core Needs

ASN 20 will extend ASN 1.X to provide the following functionality - see below.

  • extend Shipper / ASN / Planner / Jaguar Ops functionality to:
    • other MOTs (Air, Ocean, etc)
    • any Client Company
  • add some additional features (such as Additional MOT Air approval)
  • introduce some changes (such as FTL/LTL logic)

General BRBA

ASN Portal

When communicating with / selling to prospective clients we use term "Portal".

ASN "automates" segment or entire supply chain for given company.

Client specific MOTs

We need ability create list and name MOTs using language of particular client.

Example: for Arden in terms of MOT Domestic Trucking there would be:

  • Inbound Trucking for all US/Canada moves
  • Other trucking for any other truck domestic such as in Europe

PO Issued By logic

  • "PO issued by" logic will remain. PO issued by list will be complemented by several more items to cover International moves. This is how we define what planner manages what CTs (Shipper sets PO issued by tag on CT and Planner profile has a list of PO issued by values).

Approval mode is not same for all ASNs

Approval mode is MOT / PO Issued By / Shipper specific.

Air Approval

This is an additional approval layer. Some Air ASNs needs to pass it before being finally approved. Some planner users have this right.

Choice of mode for Shipper

Particular Shipper user should have options:

  • can not indicate MOT on ASN
  • can indicate just some MOTs

ASN form

Design Idea: what records to create and how on ASN submit


Latest idea - below:

case 1) If there is no approval required for given portal then create one CT record from one ASN (with multiple commodity lines).

case 2) If approval is required then (as it is now for Truck Domestic) create separate CT record for each commodity line under ASN.

Commodity line splits

If Planner would like to approve smaller quantity then system will create CT with rejected status notifying Shipper that he needs to re-submit.

For FCL offer Shipper to enter Container info

He should enter container info and link commodity lines to containers (optional).

If planner approves only partial ASN then drop this info.


Simultaneous access to record by Shippers Planners and 3PL users/system for update

Open access to ASN record for edit to Shippers, Planners and 3PL users/systems for update until Pick Up actual date is set.

Shippers and 3PLs might add info after Planner edited it.


Add FTL vs LTL flag

  • FTL - full truck load. Paid per track regardless of weight/volume. For very large shipments.
  • LTL - less than truck load. Paid based on weight/volume. For small and medium shipments.

In ASN 2.0 we would like to request shipper to indicate what kind of shipment he is requesting.

Also this should be a sub-type of MOT offered to Shipper/Planner.

For FTL type of shipment we also would request truck related info - see #Add Truck info.

Add Truck info

For FTL shipments need truck related info such as:

  • truck size
  • trailer id
  • seal number
  • ability to map commodity items to particular truck

We want to request this info from Shippers when they submit ASN for FTL shipments.

Typical truck size values: 48 ft, 53 ft.

ASN transmit

  • Need option to automatically forward approved shipment info to another company (to handle transportation instead of Jag Ops).
  • Possibly need options:
    • send as an xls attachment
    • EDI/XML transfer
    • other as defined by systems we interface with
  • Options to:
    • auto send based on MOT/lanes
    • manually send
  • Option to batch (send multiples in one transmission)

Preliminary demo to EA


Need to soon show core functionality to first prospective client - EA:

  • create ASN for Air / Ocean with typical Arden approval options

Due date: end of 1st or 2nd week of Oct.

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