ASN 20 Solution

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Revision as of 16:39, 1 August 2012 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Preliminary Work

Add TMS E0 attribute

Currently "TMS solution" supports only one Client Company (E0) at a time - we can not send shipments to TMS that are identified by more than one E0 - this case is not defined - no code or business process exists.

We need to add parameter to the system that defines what E0 "is linked to" TMS currently. This will help in :

  • reporting
  • validation (to make sure we do not send CTs with other E0s to TMS)

Add Role Type attribute: Built In vs User Defined User Roles

We have to distinguish between Built In and User Defined User Roles.

Also this should make it obvious for the user - what role is Built In and what is User Defined.

User Defined Role is a role that can be created and fully defined by user through Open Admin > Security > User Roles.

Add column

SOWs and Change Requests

Personal tools