Ops Etc

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Revision as of 17:20, 21 September 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Delivery Comment Check Box

  • mantis: 984: [Ops.Common.EnterDeliveryCommentCheckBox]


  • 1. add label "Enter Delivery Comment" + check box; default=unchecked
  • 2. add above “DeliveryComment”
  • 3. If unchecked then hide “DeliveryComment” label + textbox
  • 4. On change from uncheck TO check:
         o            show “DeliveryComment” label + textbox
         o            copy ExpTab.14c.ATA value into ImpTab.ActualDeliveryDate
  • 5.
     On change from check TO uncheck:
         o            hide “DeliveryComment” label + textbox
         o            clear ImpTab.ActualDeliveryDate
         o            clear “DeliveryComment” textbox // added june 12
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