Commodity Table for Pdfs

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Revision as of 20:59, 24 August 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Ver 4.0

Totals logic

1] Totals for multipage:

Q: In case table is split between multiple pages, do we need to print totals line on each page or only on last page?

A: Only on last page.

Lines manipulation

Some pdf commodity table sections have "line manipulation features":

Line Up

  • Line could be selected and then moved up the list until top is reached
  • At first no line is selected
  • Once some line is selected system should hold selection until page is refreshed or another line is selected (not working now)

Line Down

  • 1 Line could be selected and then moved down the list until bottom is reached
  • 2 Some documents have no bottom (if they could be multipage, example: DO.Ocean), some have (DO.Air)
  • 3 At first no line is selected
  • 4 Once some line is selected system should hold selection until page is refreshed or another line is selected

Insert Line

  • 1 user selects line, clicks "Insert"
  • 2 system must insert line above selected
  • 3 system must keep selected line selected even after insert - this is more convenient if user wants to insert several lines at a time
  • 4 ??? todo: what is the Insert logic for fixed lines document (like HAWB)? Remove Insert?

Delete line

  • 1 User can select line and click "Delete". System would delete selected line and move all lines below one line up.
  • 2 As usual keep selected line selected


  • must be exactly 2 digits after dot (on all docs) --Alex 20:41, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Unit conversion

  • most tables have unit conversion feature that must convert on the fly (example: kg to lb)

Look and Feel

  • 1] unit of measurement that appears to the right of the number (example: 20CBM) must be printed only on the "Total:" line
  • 2] comtable needs vertical lines but not horizontal lines
  • 3] comtable needs lines around it - it must be "in the box"
  • 4] TOC must always extend to the bottom of the page regardless of how many lines are there
  • 5] all totals in TOC (Table Of Charges) must be bold

Version 5.0 ("Textarea-based")

Main functions and what is common

  • Pull function - pull info into template from DB (two separate logics: one for air docs and one for ocean docs; also HAWB and MAWB are special)
  • Manipulate function - pull data on template (common for all pdfs)
  • Create pdf function - create pdf based on template (common for all pdfs)

Pull function for all

Depending on the doc and case there would be a number of "lines" (textboxes/textareas) pre-filled appear on the template. Old logic is to always create 8 lines. The new logic is to show as many "lines" as required (containing data). Do not create any empty additional lines. User will add new lines at will.

Pull function for AIR


  • this doc is always one page doc. Create 6 "lines" always as usual
  • pre-fill logic as before


  • this doc is always one page doc. Create 6 "lines" always as usual
  • pre-fill logic as before

Air M Manifest

keep as is

Pull function for OCEAN


Manipulate function

Line manipulation : Up, Down, Insert, Delete, Clear

  • Clear is added functionality in this version. See other specs in previous version.

Clear clears all contents in the selected line(s)

  • Another change in this version is that it is possible to choose multiple lines

Unit conversion

  • See previous version.

Create pdf function


"Textarea-based" Commod Section

Next Ver and RFC

  • Must be able to distinguish between different types of pkg (ex: drums vs cartons)
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