Dashboard framework

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Revision as of 21:32, 7 September 2011 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Business Requirements

  • Need special page with various panels such as Weather, News, etc
  • Need separate page for DRs
  • above should be available on both Client and internal
  • need flexible admin to manage above on the superuser, manager, user levels
  • persistence (system must remember last state of dashboard for individual user to reproduce at the next login)


Dashboard - it is a space between Header/Main Menu and Footer on a CT2 Home Page. It contains various Panels with valuable information such as "Weather", "RSS News feeds" or "Truck Dom Stats Dashboard Report".

See Fig below.

File:CT2 home layout.JPG

Solution version 1

This is current version !


Solution version 2

There is admin to manage CT2 Dashboard config (manage defaults, etc). Location: Admin > Dashboard

Access to each specific panel is user specific and can be defined on:

  • Admin level user config ("User profile" managed by superuser)
  • User level user config ("User profile" managed by user)
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