CTs With No Invoices

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Revision as of 21:32, 17 October 2011 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Info

[edit] User Guide

[edit] Overview

This CT2 component is a report that can be accessed through:

Main Menu > Acc > Reports

There are 2 report types available:

[edit] CTs without Purchase Invoices

To be on the report CT has to satisfy Hard Coded Conditions:

Number of Purchase Invoices posted against this CT is zero.



File:CTs With No Invoices.JPG

HTML output:

File:CTs With No Invoices HTML.JPG

XLS output:

File:CTs With No Invoices XLS.JPG

[edit] CTs without Sales Invoices

To be on the report CT has to satisfy Hard Coded Conditions:

Number of Sales Invoices issued for this CT is zero.

Output format is the same as for #CTs without Purchase Invoices

[edit] History

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