Release Notes v2.17 May June

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Revision as of 13:50, 7 July 2011 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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This article describes all features, bugs, tweaks, etc included in CT2 release version 2.17.x

Intended for wide audience: end users, managers, support, etc.

Sprint Info

  • Start: May 30 Mon
  • Release to Staging: July 4 Mon
  • Release to Production: July 7 Thu

Projects and tasks released

SmartPhone Application project

  • Business Analyst: Montira
  • Project id: 0002237
  • Project short name: SmartPhone App

No tasks has been released.

Air Status and EU Advanced Notice EDI

  • Business Analyst: Montira
  • Project id: 0002422
  • Project short name: Air Status/EUAN EDI

TMS and ASN Portal

  • Business Analyst: Denise
  • Project id: 0002629
  • Project short name: MS (OSDS)

[Intl Portal] ... 0002690 [Rates DB] ..... project 0002903 [Acc Misc] ..... 0002991 [IT/Misc] ..... 0002996 [EDI with Trendset] .... 0003034 [DR/KPI] ....... 0003072 [Client Misc] ..... 0003073 [Ops Misc] ..... project

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