International Portal REQUIREMENTS
From UG
Contents |
- Related mantis#:
- 0002629: [Intl Portal] ... <proj>
- 0002892: [Intl Portal] Implement phase 1
High Level requirement
- The International web portal development should take into consideration the growing need for "Third party" access to CT2
- Third Party access refers to customers, shippers, suppliers, agents, truckers etc. to whom partial access of CT2 data (creating records, adding/updating specific fields) is granted.
- Each third party user type is then given some specific functionality (example of possible functionalities are listed in this article for International portal users).
- For an example of a third party user type would be customer who could create a record to book a shipment...rather than sending the information to JFS for data entry by JFS staff.
Requirements Summary
JFS would like to have an International Web portal that can be easily configurable and flexible to suit all the third party users including all client companies. There are many different types of users, so each type of user can be specific in term of configuration. In order to suit the specific needs of users, we should provide a system that can be easily configured through admin module to manage each type of users such as functionality, visibility, ability, etc.
Users should be able to manage their own UI setting for their view
Core need
Add additional user roles to CT2: International Shipper, Agent, Trucker, etc. Make as flexible as possible.
Core functionality
- Add International Shipper role with related functionality
- option to choose ability to create/edit/delete/view/clone shipments
- option to select available fields from Admin (subset of fields)
- Which fields are available for shipper to create/edit or view...etc
- option to create a shipper or a group of shippers
- Ability to create a report for the shipment that shipper has visibility to
- See detail: #International Shipper functionality
- Add International Planner role with related functionality
- option to validate/edit/view shipments
- options for approval
- Auto approval
- Manual approval
- EDI automated validation to approve (future requirement)
- EDI to validate to upload (import data)
- option to create a planner or a group of planners
- options for fields to update/view shipments
- options for each method of validation of shipments
- Ability to create a report for the shipment that planner has visibility to
- See detail: #International Planner functionality
- Add Agent role with related functionality
- option to choose ability to create/edit/delete/view/clone shipments
- option to create CTs, list CTs and list Masters for that belongs to that particular agent
- option to select available fields from Admin (subset of fields)
- Which fields are available for agent to create/edit or view...etc
- option to create an agent or a group of agents
- ability to create reports for only specific shipments that agent has visibility to
- See detail: #Agent functionality
- Add Trucker role with related functionality
- create/edit/delete/view shipments
- per field Admin (subset of fields)
- See detail: #Trucker functionality
- Add Jaguar User role for extra functionality
- Option to set for view/access shipments right based on filters:
- Office
- Geographic
- PO#
- PO Issued by
- Pick up Location
- Ship to Location
- Etc
- Option to set for view/access shipments right based on filters:
- See detail: #Jaguar operator functionality
- Ability to add other roles with related functionality through Admin (possible? feasible?)
- See detail: #Other roles functionality
- Add some new common functionality (any role)
- All CT2 fields should be available to manage on Admin for each role
- Right access to fields per role (edit/delete/view etc)
- See detail: #Common functionality
Requirements Details
International Shipper functionality
- Each shipper can have different ability and right access to each shipment and list of shipment
- Each shipper can create one or many modes of transportation even undefined mode
- Each functionality can be set for each shipper's accessibility to use
- For example shipper A can only view shipments for particular shipper's company and belong to particular client company or more but shipper B can create/edit/delete/view/clone shipments for particular shipper's company and belong to particular client company or more
- Group of shippers can be created and each shipper can belong to a group of shippers that has the same functionality and the same right for accessibility and visibility
- For example, shipper A has ability to edit field1 but shipper B doesn't have ability to edit field1 but field1 can be available to view
- For example, shipper can create a shipment and has ability to select a mode of transportation (Undefined, Air, Ocean) that are available for the option or select undefined mode
- Each field can be set to be available for particular shippers
- option to create a shipper or a shipper group
- customized functionality, MOT, fields, etc can be set as a group of shipper. A shipper that links to the group will have the same ability and visibility as other in the same group.
International Planner functionality
- Each planner can have different ability of approval shipments
- options for approval
- Auto approval
- Manual approval
- Single step approval process
- Double approval process (similar to EA Stamford feature)
- Provide a location/tab/color code status/filters/possible location to show all shipments that requires an additional finalized approval or validation process.
- EDI automated validation to approve (future requirement)
- This can be done by comparing ASN data against client's ERP data
- For example, data can be PO#, Item code, quatity, date, etc (detail requirement will be defined in the future)
- If it is match, then "approve/proceed"
- If it is mismatch, then "review process to be determined"
- This can be done by comparing ASN data against client's ERP data
- EDI to validate to upload (import data; similar to SKU to planner mapping upload)
- JFS can receive daily reports (.xls, csv, .html etc) and upload to the system for approval status to validate ASN data
- System should be able to validate and update the system from what JFS receive and upload
- options for approval
- Each planner can have different accessibility of shipment to approve for each mode of transportation
- For example, plannerA can approve ocean shipment only, plannerB can approve ocean shipment for single step process and air shipments for double approval process as a basic planner, plannerC can approve all the modes of transportation that he has some accessibility to as a final approval planner, and plannerD can only view shipments only.
- Each field can be set to be available for planner to validate/edit/view
- option to create a planner or a planner group
- customized functionality, MOT, fields, etc can be set as a group of planner. A planner that links to the group will have the same ability and visibility as other in the same group.
Agent functionality
- Each agent can have different setting for functionality, visibility, and right accessibility
- Each agent that is local for particular city, country will create a CT record - keu in the booking information as well as the packing information and the shipping information
- Each functionality and fields can be set whether it can be available for agent
- option to choose ability to create/edit/delete/view/clone shipments
- option to create CTs, list CTs and list Masters for that belongs to that particular agent
- option to select available fields from Admin (subset of fields)
- Which fields are available for agent to create/edit or view...etc
- option to create an agent or a group of agents
- ability to create reports for only specific shipments that agent has visibility to
- Each shipper can have different ability and right access to each shipment and list of shipment
- Each shipper can create one or many modes of transportation even undefined mode
- Each functionality can be set for each shipper's accessibility to use
- For example shipper A can only view shipments for particular shipper's company and belong to particular client company or more but shipper B can create/edit/delete/view/clone shipments for particular shipper's company and belong to particular client company or more
- Group of shippers can be created and each shipper can belong to a group of shippers that has the same functionality and the same right for accessibility and visibility
- For example, shipper A has ability to edit field1 but shipper B doesn't have ability to edit field1 but field1 can be available to view
- For example, shipper can create a shipment and has ability to select a mode of transportation (Undefined, Air, Ocean) that are available for the option or select undefined mode
- Each field can be set to be available for particular shippers
- option to create a shipper or a shipper group
- customized functionality, MOT, fields, etc can be set as a group of shipper. A shipper that links to the group will have the same ability and visibility as other in the same group.
Trucker functionality
Jaguar operator functionality
Other roles functionality
Common functionality
- Query
- ...
Q and A
Pre Implementation Architect Notes
Written by Architect after previous section is completed.
Implementation Notes
To be written by Developer or BA by the time UAT is completed. Briefly defines what was implemented and how.
Post Implementation Architect Notes
Written by Architect after previous section is completed.