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Revision as of 18:20, 21 March 2011 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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jan01 - jan31


  • 1 New Strategic decision about "Holistic approach to IT and Web systems" approved by Simon - see notes11#itn1
  • 2 Airstatus / EUAN team (I am completely out, Tira is a lead to deliver)
  • 3 Rates module and SA team development - my focus for the next several months




Added these wikis: itn 1,2,3,4; cs 1,2


  • added bp1, bp2
  • new process for Support
  • new proccess for BAs - self assign tasks/projects one at a time
  • new approach to components - create more of them and smaller (Log, Help are new components)



Overview of current projects for Simon

Below is an overview of what everyone was involved in for the last 2-3 weeks. Some of these tasks will require more time to complete.


  • number of changes to fix design errors for EA portal/TMS solution
  • bug investigations
  • entering/editing trucking tariffs in TMS


  • number of changes to fix design errors for EA portal/TMS solution
  • bug investigations
  • proposals for EA
  • 0002782: [Air Status EDI] Version 2.0


  • 0002690: Rates Database (tariff and contract management system with additional functionalities)
    • Description
Main Features:
* management of tariffs and contracts (client and vendor sides)	
* "Quotations" web portal	
* Automated population of charge table in "sales invoices"
* Automated calculation of "estimated P&L"
* Etc	
    • Size: XXL
    • Impact: XXL
    • Phase: BA
  • 0002648: [EU Advanced Notice] Implement this
    • Description: Add component to support a new regulation enforced by EU (European Union) Customs. It will require information to be sent via EDI to some airlines prior to departure.
    • Size: L
    • Impact: L
    • Phase: SA
  • 0002782: [Air Status EDI] Version 2.0
    • Description: Implement a service to automate air status updates.
    • Size: L
    • Impact: L
    • Phase: SA
  • [SA] 0002653: (Acc Report: Misc) add feature to show total VAT charges separately
    • Description: Accounting report should breakout the VAT charges from the total of the invoice. The report should show the total VAT, Total invoiced amount without VAT, and then grand total.
    • Size: M
    • Impact: S
    • Phase: SA
  • 0002766: (Acc Report: Misc) Add a special view to accounting report to show estimation
    • Description: Adding to acc>reports>profit/loss for multiple CT's. Add columns to the output to show estimation totals in comparison to the actual totals.
    • Size: M
    • Impact: M
    • Phase: SA
  • [SA] 0002761: (Acc: SI&II) add payment instructions to be printed onto the Sales Invoices
    • Description: If the Sales invoice is from the London office, the sales instructions need to be specific as to the final currency of the billing and printed on the invoice the attached instructions.
    • Size: M
    • Impact: M
    • Phase: SA
  • [SA] 0002762: (Acc: SI&II) add a small letter “v” next to the items that have been charged with a VAT (on the invoice)
    • Description -- see summary
    • Size: S
    • Impact: S
    • Phase: SA


  • heavily involved in every project of size M+; strategy; management; IT support coordination
  • IT projects such as:
    • dev servers consolidation
    • squid migration

March 7

  • Last 6+ months experience demonstrated limits of BAs and need for SA to interface with MOs directly at early stages of task development and then drive all tasks except those with small architectural impact.
  • BAs could be used for many other important activities:
    • support
    • user guides
    • BR docs
    • coordination
    • etc
  • NY BASA team must engage in massive verbal discussions at early stages of M/XL/L tasks development (writing RFSA here and emailing it will not work!)
  • Kiev Dev team must submit proposal of a solution verbally or in writing and after implementation explain again how they implemented
  • Architect must review ALL tasks at early stages (with MOs) and then again after spec before development. Must initiate / participate in joint design meetings
  • MOs plans in Word docs!

March 21


From: Alex Dobrovolsky Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 2:18 PM To: Montira Renfrew; Denise Guastella; Tracie Eisenberg; 'Andrei Gurzov' Cc: Alex Dobrovolsky Subject: "SA", “Architect Review” folders; RFPOI, etc


1) I am going to discontinue SA folder. Moving all tasks to BA folder.

This is due to discontinuation of SA role.

This is not going to affect Tira since she is not using SA.

Denise/Tracie - this is per our discussion.

Andrei will focus on Support, Documentation and other things TBD.

2) BA, please note, when preparing your tasks for developer: a) if it is a tweak then description in mantis is enough (no need for wiki article). b) if it is a more than tweak then create RFPOI article (Request for Proposal/Prototype Or Implementation). This is the same as RFSA except that you need to focus more on requirements and not design and provide enough business background (I will demonstrate by example). Also it will be the only document for developer. Send to “Architect” for review first. For smaller tasks developers will implement 100% then turn for UAT. For larger tasks: • Developer should contact BA to go over RFPOI before coding • After that developer would respond with Proposal (in most cases “verbal” but BA could request written) • Next step for developer is to create a Prototype – partially implemented feature that BA would have to review/discuss with him c) Finally Dev will complete task and turn to BA for UAT d) After successful UAT BA should confirm that task is to be included in Release e) Next step for BA is to “transition to Support”: • Create/update Help guide (together with Support group) • Train Support group/Global Teamleads&MOs on new released features (together with Support group) 3) All mantis tasks that are prepared for development should be assigned to me for review in “Architect Review” folder (including bugs, if bug is super urgent forward straight to dev, but FYI me ). 4) Denise, Andrei, Vlad, TSI are to form “Support group”. Denise will manage this group. All requests to come to her and she will handle within a group. In complex cases tasks could be escalated to BAs or Developers. Periodically Denise should gather BAs/Developers to give update on what is going. 5) We now have 2 full time BAs: Tira and Tracie. Ops to be transferred to Tira. OpsReps to be transferred to Tracie. New modules/projects will be assigned to specific BA as they come based on availability, skill set, etc. This does not mean you have to work more hours – focus will be on quality not quantity (more on this in a separate letter). 6) Denise will help BAs when Support is slow (this is to be defined better later).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best Regards, Alex Dobrovolsky IT Manager

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