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  • 0002648: [EU Advanced Notice] Implement this


EUAN - European Union Advanced Notice. This is a new regulation enforced by EU (European Union) Customs. It will require information to be sent via EDI to some airlines prior to departure.

EUAN Conditions - see #EUAN Conditions.

EUAN Conditions

EUAN Conditions - criteria that distinguish CTs or Masters that are subject to EUAN regulation vs those that are not.

CT satisfy "EUAN Conditions" if:

Master satisfy "EUAN Conditions" if all CTs under Master satisfy this condition.

EUAN values are set in #EUAN Admin.

HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule - standard code that represents type of commodity. Example:

  • 3401.11.1000 - Castile soap
  • 3401.11.5000 - other soap

FNA Technical Error Message - (Descartes is forwarding this message to us for the unsuccessful case or 997 message)

Requirements and Solutions

The following functionality has to be added:

Admin functionality

EUAN Admin

Add "EU Advanced Notice (EUAN)" item to Main Menu > Admin. This is to set system wide EUAN values.

  • EUAN MOT value (multiselect)
  • EUAN airline value (multiselect)
  • EUAN From country value (multiselect)
  • EUAN To country value (multiselect)

See Figures below

Connection Admin

  • Provide facility to manage ftp connection separately from TMS and Air Status, so that won't interfere with those features
  • FTP server address
  • Frequency of checking message: Option - Sec, Min and hour
  • Turning on/off

See #Figure 5. Admin for Descartes and CT2 connection as some example

HTS field

For CTs that satisfy #EUAN Conditions add HTS field to Table A, Cont Tab:

  • 20 chars max
  • alphanumeric

Transmit button

On Master Details Tab (for Air Masters that satisfy #EUAN Conditions) add Transmit button.

On Transmit send #EUAN Message.

Transmit Log

On Master Details Tab (for Air Masters that satisfy #EUAN Conditions) add read only Transmit Log textarea.

Post there:

  • timestamp / operator name when #EUAN Message was sent
  • incoming info from Descartes about #EUAN Message (received or rejected, etc.)
    • NOTE: Descartes not sure if they can receive confirmation

EUAN Message

This message is to be sent to Descartes on Transmit - see #Transmit button.

Message specification is defined in pdf files attached to mantis#0002648.

FNA Functionality

  • Provide email notification to the operator of last change if we receive FNA from Descartes/Airline
  • If airline receives an error/non-match information, airline will send FNA
  • Email notification:
To: Operator of last change
Subject: Error message was received
Please note that a FNA error message was received and responded to your transmission with an attached file (cargo imp or XML)
Best Regards,

Jaguar Freight Services IT Team

  • Email notification to an operator of last change when the transmission of receiving message is error or failed by the airline

Additional Info


Figure 1. EUAN admin MOT Tab


Figure 2. EUAN admin Airline Tab


Figure 3. EUAN admin From Country Tab


Figure 4. EUAN admin To country Tab


Figure 5. Admin for Descartes and CT2 connection


Architect Review

Implementation Notes

QA Plan


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