2782 rfd

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Revision as of 16:45, 25 February 2011 by Montira (Talk | contribs)
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  • FSU-message - Freight Status Update message - Incoming message from Descartes to CT2
  • Set up in XML format
  • FSR-message - Freight Status Request message - Outgoing message to Descartes GLN
  • Set up in XML format
  • FSA-message - Freight Status Answer message - Incoming message from Descartes to CT2
  • Set up in XML format
  • FWB-message - Forwards way bill or MAWB details - Out going message to Descartes GLN
  • See detail on CIMP-29thEdition2009_FWB.PDF from 2648


  • Set Up in CargoImp format

Business Requirement


FSR functionality

  • System should start/stop sending FSR messages automatically once certain condition are met [to be define in Admin]
  • Descartes would forward back messages from the airline with certain updates. This specific info should update CT record.
  • Type of update: DEP (Actual departure), ARR (Actual arrival), RCF or ARR (Actual arrival to trans-shipment airport.

FWB functionality

Admin functionality

  • Turn on/off FSR per airline
  • FSR messsage frequency in X hour(s)
  • Parameters for sending FSR
  • Provide facility to manage ftp connection
  • FTP server address
  • Turning on/off
    • FSR
    • FWB

System logs

Personal tools