Jaguar Servers Systems Applications

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This is an overview of current servers, systems and applications in Jaguar NY office and Cloud.

See Jaguar Network diagram below:

File:Network diagramm.JPG



  • What: web filter
  • Users: most NY office users (8-8 EST)
  • Usage pattern: constant, all users will be down if app is down; most users have browser pointing to it for internet access

Door card DB

  • What: users info about NY office main door access (not sure what is there)
  • Users: (he is responsible for managing cards)
  • Usage pattern: approx once a week

Sugar CRM

  • What: CRM for Sales Dept (global)
  • Users: All Jaguar Sales -
Chikei Ho; Harry Morgan; Janine Hines; Percy Kaye; Simon Kaye; Sylvia Jenkins; Vikesh Vithlani
  • Usage pattern: global, unknown, low between 19-20 EST


Main Jaguar App. There are several versions - see below. Always have 2 parts (wars/urls): internal and client.

CT2 EA Demo
  • What: Demo version of CT2 for Sales Dept to demonstrate to prospective Clients CT2 functionality
  • Users: All Jaguar Sales - and any client users during the scheduled demo and possibly after if salesman left them login info
  • Usage pattern: unknown
CT2 Demo
  • What: Demo version of CT2 for QA and UAT. RE-deployed almost daily.
  • Users: CT2 Team plus MOs occasionally
  • Usage pattern: 24x7 with heavy during:
    • NY: (8-20 EST)
    • Kiev: (2-19 EST)
CT2 Staging
  • What: Staging version of CT2 for QA before release and bug investigation
  • Users: CT2 Team plus MOs occasionally
  • Usage pattern: most heavy before release or emergency release, could be used for bug investigation any day


  • What: CT2 source code repository
  • Users: CT2 Team, mostly Development Team
  • Usage pattern:
    • not well known; few pages used frequently for read over http
    • probably at least once a day at least 1 developer checks in or out some code


  • What: task and bug tracking system for CT2 and IT
  • Users: CT2 Team, list could grow in the future
  • Usage pattern: 24x7 with heavy during:
    • NY: (8-20 EST)
    • Kiev: (2-19 EST)
    • SF: ?
    • BKK:?


  • What: info repository for CT2 and IT (specs, etc)
  • Users: CT2 Team plus MOs occasionally
  • Usage pattern: 24x7 with heavy during:
    • NY: (8-20 EST)
    • Kiev: (2-19 EST)
    • SF: ?
    • BKK:?

Servers in NY

1) Squid proxy - this is the only server that is required for NY office network

  • #Squid
    • could be discontinued in the future
  • #Door card DB
    • could be migrated into simple xls (for Michael to manage)
    • per Michael this App can be discontinued

Box: old PC

2) Sugar CRM / EA Demo server

  • (old) #Sugar CRM app - This has been migrated to *.74 CT2 server in a cloud
    • could be discontinued now
  • #CT2 EA Demo - instances of internal and Client CT2 Apps for Sales
    • has to be migrated

Box: new Optiplex 330

3) Dev

Box: new Optiplex 330

4) Dev Firewall

  • firewall for Dev server

Box: old PC

5) Mantis

  • #Mantis (old version)
    • not used, to be discontinued now
  • #Wiki (old version)
    • not used, to be discontinued now
  • #SVN
    • in active use

Box: new Precision 390

6) Ext

  • backups for Dev server apps (anything else?)
    • used, not clear what exactly is there

Box: new Optiplex 330

7) Specs - video tutorial Dev Server

  • not used, can be discontinued

Box: old PC

8) Test/Dev for Sugar CRM

  • not used, can be discontinued

Box: old PC

Dymo printer Servers

Barbxp (Hope’s pc)

This computer must be on so that accounting can connect to the 400 dymo printer.

Dymo (pc next to phaser4500)

This computer must be on so that operations can connect to the 450 dymo printer.

Servers in the Cloud CT2

In Texas Cost: ???


  • /internal
  • /Client


  • MySQL 5.*
  • Tomcat 6.*
  • Java 1.6.*
  • vsftpd - for Descartes
  • rsync
  • SSL
  • sendmail or postfix

Cron jobs: TBD


  • uploaded files
  • pdfs
  • invoices CT1

In London Cost:???


  • website on Apache (actively used)
  • CT1 on Tomcat 5 (rarely used)
  • bugtrucking (idle)


  • MySQL 4.*
  • Tomcat 5.*
  • Apache(modules: ...)
  • Java 1.?.*
  • SSL
  • sendmail or postfix


  • QB backups for NY office

Cron jobs: TBD

Older articles: CT2 Development Systems and HR transition 2011

Future solution

4 newer PCs as identified in previous section has to be re-used as user Desktops.

Servers and applications will be located / distributed as follows:


Personal tools