1520 rfsa

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Revision as of 15:54, 17 February 2011 by Tracie (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Info

0001520: (P&L) shown VAT amount on P/L tab

It is necessary for the operators to have visibility of the VAT amounts in the P/L screen. This should be for both Sales invoices and Purchase invoices.

[edit] Business Requirements

We need to add a column in the P/L tab showing the VAT charges of the invoice.

  • for Sales invoices the total VAT listed on the invoice should be shown in this column.
  • for purchase invoices the total VAT entered into this tab under charge code 1204 should be shown in this column.
  • for internal invoices VAT should not apply.
  • No changes should be made to the profit loss section of this tab.

Only the London and Paris offices have the drop down selection to select if VAT applies to a specific charge, but we need this column to be viewed by all offices.

Note: In the future, we will want to be able to run reports showing this information and we may also need a way to show Customs Duty separately

[edit] Examples:


File:Invoice VAT.JPG


File:Purchase invoice with VAT.JPG


File:Pl screen shot with VAT column updated.JPG

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