2484 rfd

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Revision as of 00:53, 23 December 2010 by Andrei (Talk | contribs)
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  • mantis 0002484: (Sales&Intern) The calculation of our charges to be included in the body of the invoice

Requirements and Solutions

ATTENTION! It is only sketch!

  • We should change the body of invoice.
  • Whether we should change also the structure of the table of charges on ImpTab?
  • List of Fields:
  • Charge Code
  • Charge Code Description
  • Invoice Currency
  • Rate
  • Quantity
  • Unit Type
  • ROE
  • Office Currency
  • Total (previously Amount)
  • We should add options for showing in the body of the invoice:
1) Breakdown/calculation
2) Currency conversion
NOTE: for the whole invoice or by line item.
  • We should provide the ability to control it by:
1) Setting as a default in admin - users and offices
2) Allowing the operator to override the default by the whole invoice or individual line items.
  • In order to insure the calculations are accurate, the operator should be able to enter or edit all of the above fields.

Architect Review

Implementation Notes

QA Plan


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