0002525 PI redesign

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Mantis: 0002525: [PI re-design] ......... <proj>


  • MO: Karen
  • BA: Tracie
  • SA: Alex
  • DM&LA: Kostya
  • Developer: Kostya?
  • QA: ?

Business Analysis

Background and Requirements

Acc MO/Jaguar CFO requested PI module redesign. It should address 2 unrelated problems:

Delay problem

Currently user adding new Invoices through Main Menu > Acc > Add New Purchase Invoices experiencing long delay. It is inconvenient.

Reminder requirement

We do understand that it happens mainly because currently system runs Incomplete PI Report every time user wants to see new PI web form. Please note that it was designed in such a way to remind/notify Acc operators that there are X incomplete PIs that require immediate attention. Therefore if step of running report is eliminated then another mechanism must be provided to satisfy this "reminder requirement".

Verification problem

Some accounting users (Karen, CFO) would like to be able to enter PI from CT Editor.


    • this will be done for some PIs that have large amount so she needs to verify that system posted invoice against correct CT. At the moment

Possible solutions

Delay problem.

#Delay problem could be solved by eliminating the step of executing Incomplete PI Report every time user clicks Main Menu > Acc > Add New Purchase Invoices.

Of course we still need to be able to access this report. So link to this report could be added to Acc > Reports.

In addition to this some mechanism is required to remind/notify Acc operators that there are X incomplete PIs in the system and require action. We suggest to use Dashboard approach for this.

Part 1



  • Create an Incomplete PI report dashboard to display on the home page
  • When the operator clicks on the number of incomplete PI's on this dashboard, then the Incomplete PI Report should open.


  • Create a Tab in each CT record to add new Purchase invoice (see example attachment). Please note this should be in addition to the current location of add new purchase invoice.

Part 2

  • When adding a new purchase invoice from the CT record, the CT number should automatically fill in and should not be editable. This will make sure that only PI's belonging to that CT record can be entered there.
  • The PInv tab should be available only for Acc users
  • Group shipments:

Systems Analysis

Delay problem and Reminder requirement

Of course simplest solution (for user) would be is to optimize report in such a way so that it will appear instantly. I this case no business process re-design (and as a result re-training) is required. But it seems to me that it is unlikely to achieve on the technical level. Also still it would be a "two step process" which was required by previous MO but not current MO.

I agree with solutions suggested by BA. Use standard Dashboard design: display only number of incomplete PIs. User can click on this number to see report.


  • removed SA Notes section;
  • re-worked Requirements section

--Alex 17:07, 11 December 2010 (EST)

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