Pool Point

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This article is about adding the concept and functionality into CT2 for pool point shipments according to the Arden domestic business process.

Business Requirements

Core Business Need: Currently the Arden domestic team is using the TMS to create and tender loads from the same origin company/city going to VA and/or ME by using a pool point. One trucker who collects all of the pickups through out the day and another trucker who picks up all of them to deliver. Since the Arden team creates multiple pool point loads throughout the day from different origins, the TM will always create 2 loads - one from the pickup location to the pool point and the other from the pool point to the delivery location. But in reality the delivery will only be 1 or maybe 2 trailer loads, as the pool point has consolidated them and this is causing inaccurate trailer counts for reporting purposes.

Pool Point Criteria

Currently there is 1 pool point - Jewels Transportation, who are in Newark, NJ. They collect all of the Tri-State area (NY, NJ, CT) pickups and once the shipments are back in their warehouse, they load empty trailers for the delivery carriers (Lawrence Transportation &/or Albert Farms).

There are 2 levels on how to decipherer if a shipment should go through a pool point.

1st are the origin & destinations:

  • NY, NJ, CT, going to destination states VA, ME
  • TN, GA, NC, SC & VA, going to destination city/state NY, NY (Manhattan, aka NYC)
  • ME, going to VA (this is a rarer business case, about 20%)

2nd are the total number of pallets & total gross weight:

  • Total gross weight is less than 44000 LB
  • Total pallet count (non-stack) is less than 28
  • Total pallet count (stackable) is less than 60

It is possible that CT records can meet the above criteria and the business side would not want to send it through the pool point for a few different reasons. One reason could be that the shipment is very urgent. Another reason could be that it's not cost effective, as the size of the shipment (number of pallets and gross weight) are high, but less than the criteria - (IE 35,000) and this is what you'd call an exception.


What defines an exception is again the pairing of the same origins and destinations, but the total number of pallets and total gross weight will be lower.

  • Example:
    • Total gross weight is more than 25000 LB but is less than 44000 LB
    • Total pallet count (non-stack) is more than 20 but less than 28
    • Total pallet count (stackable) is more than 35 but less than 60

In this case, the system should:

  • Not send to the TM
  • Give some sort of an alert on the #Truck_Domestic_Stats_TDS_feature
  • Give option to users to send through pool point or not
    • Upon users confirmation, send to TM accordingly

Design Ideas

To have the system check every approved CT record to see if meets the #pool point criteria before sending them to the TM.

  • If record meets the criteria: have the system would then create 2 copies of that 1 record in the background - 1 from the pickup location to the pool point and 1 from the pool point to the deliver to location.
    • IE CT 121245 has
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