Update Fields for Virtual Group

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Revision as of 16:49, 17 August 2012 by Montira (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] General

[edit] Business Requirements

Field updates must be automated.

[edit] Solution 1

[edit] Figure 1

File:Update fields Action for VG.JPG

  • On OK system must confirm that action has been taken
  • fields will be updated with new values in every CT in the virtual group

[edit] Updating PT and DT fields

[edit] PT DT counter

This is an independent counter in the systems. It starts with 1. Next number is 2 and so on. It is used to automate assignments of CT#PT Number or/and CT#DT Number

[edit] PT DT Update choices

See #Figure1

User have choices:

  • 1) enter numbers manually
  • 2) click "PT only" button. In this case system will:
  • 3) click "DT only" button. In this case system will:
  • 4) click "PT and DT" button. In this case system will:

[edit] Updating Trailer ID field

  • TBD

[edit] List of fields to Update

[edit] Updated business requirements 11/2010 as TM is now used

  • add "Upload CTs to TMS" radio option to "Virtual Group Operations Panel"
    • when selected show "Upload" button - See #Figure_2
    • when button selected forward CTs in virtual group to TMS - See #Figure_3
    • if operation succeeded show pop-up:
    • if operation failed show pop-up:
      • "Attempt to forward X shipments to TMS failed [OK]"

[edit] Figure 2

File:VG TMS Option.JPG

[edit] Figure 3

File:VG TM Upload.JPG

[edit] Figure 4

File:VG TM Upload 2.JPG

[edit] Figure 5

File:VG TM Upload 3.JPG

[edit] History

[edit] BA M2466


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