Cost per pound analysis

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Revision as of 21:47, 15 November 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Core Need

This report would allow Arden to compare their actual costs vs. their cost per pound rates for their budgeting purposes. As well as assist them in shaping their vendor decisions.

Functionality & Summary

The concept for this is report is layered, to start at a top level and be able to drill down to more finite details.

Detailed Design


Cost per pond for load = (cost of load) / (weight of load in pounds) 
Average Estimated Cost Per Pound of Arden Domestic Trucking Operation in November 
   = Cost of all loads handled in November / total weight of these loads
Average Estimated Cost Per Pound of YRC in November 
   = Cost of all loads handled in November by YRC / total weight of these loads


Daily change per company

File:Daily change per company.JPG

Cost per pound weekly change

File:Cost per pound plot of weekly change.JPG

Figure: Cost per pound per Carrier

Figure: Cost per pound per month

Figure: Cost per pound per Load

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