CyberTrax 2.1 Client (EA Stamford Planners Only)

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  • Basic planner(s) are able to ONLY approve new shipments on their New tab and hold shipments on their Hold tab.
  • Super planner(s) are able to approve all shipments on their New tab and Hold shipments on their Hold tab.
  • Once a shipment has been approved by a basic planner, the shipment will have an orange flag and stay on New tab.
  • Once a shipment has been approved by a super planner, the shipment will have a green flag and move to Approved tab.
  • Basic planner(s) and Super planner(s) have the same shipment list view for Approved, Hold, Rejected, Delivered, and Archived tabs.
  • On New tab, Basic planner(s) and Super planner are able to see the same list of shipments on their views except slightly different information columns will be displayed as listed below.
  • Column for New Tab for Basic planner view:
    • Status
    • CT Record
    • Created On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Column for New Tab for Super planner view:
    • Status
    • CT Record
    • Created On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Total Value
    • Planner's name

Case 1. Approve an individual shipment for basic planner

Basic planner(s) can approve one shipment at a time, by selecting a check box in front of the shipment record that they would like to set an approval status


OR basic(s) planner can view a specific shipment record and then set an approval status


Basic planner(s) cannot re-approve a shipment(s) that already was approved with an orange flag

  • If they select an approved shipment CT 300488 as shown below, the set approval status panel will be replaced by: "This shipment is pending final approval by super planner."


  • Same as on the view page


Case 2. Approve many or all shipments at once for basic planner

Basic planner(s) can select all shipments by selecting a check box on the top of the column, all shipment records for that page will be selected and then he can set approval status and click the "Apply" button.



  • If all shipments that she selected contains some shipments that were already approved by a basic planner, the system will not allow a basic planner to re-set the approval status for all shipments. Error message will pop-up stating that "Some shipment(s) have already been approved. Please select only new shipment(s) that you would like to approve." [OK] as figure below


Case 3. Shipment List for Basic Planner on New tab


Case 4. Shipment List for Super Planner on New Tab

View for super planner is slightly different from basic planner. The Planner's name column is added and the Piece Price column is removed.


Case 5. Approve an individual shipment for Super Planner

From the figure below, Super planner(s) can see that there are 3 records on the New tab, and 1 record has been approved by a basic planner, while the other 2 shipment records are not yet approved by a basic planner. The Super planner is able to either set the approval status for all shipments on New Tab, or set approval status for shipments individually.

Super planner(s) decides to approve only one shipment.


Case 6. Shipment List for both Super Planner and Basic Planner on Approved Tab

Super planner(s) decides to approve CT 300485 on the New Tab. Once they approved this shipment, the shipment will be moved from New Tab to Approved Tab with a green flag as indicated below.
