CyberTrax 2.1 Client (EA Stamford Planners Only)

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use case 1

Basic planner would like to approve new shipments on his New tab. There are 2 ways for him to approve shipments.

Approve an individual shipment:

  • She can approve one shipment at a time, by selecting the check box in front of the shipment record and then sets the approval status
  • OR she can view a specific shipment record and then set an approval status

Approve many or all shipments at once:

  • She can select all shipments by selecting the check box on the top of the column and then set approval status


  • If all shipments that she selected contains some shipment that already been approved by basic planner, system will not allow her to set approval status to all shipments. She will see a warning message stating that "Some shipment(s) has already been approved. Please select only new shipment(s) that you would like to approve." [OK]


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