Requirements for EDI to TMS

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About and See also

This is a Analysis / Requirements wiki for EDI to TMS proj


See also: Data Dictionary for EDI to TMS


IP - Integration Point

Tendering - Tendering is the process of offering a load to a carrier and efficiently managing their response.

NOTE: Descartes Transportation Manager enables you to communicate with your contracted carriers electronically or manually. You set the communication method for a carrier when you set up your carrier contracts.

See also: p 205 of TM+10.1.3+Users+Guide.pdf


Core Business Need: Jaguar needs ability to optimize truck domestic shipments:

  • create optimal loads and routs (About Loads and Shipments 151, Consolidation 173 chapters)

Above features are normally present in TMS software. In addition this kind of system can:

  • automate tariffs (Working with Contracts chapter)
  • communication with carriers

To achieve that it was decided:

  • buy and use existing TMS solution (phase 1)
  • gradually add these features to CT2 (phase 2)

To complete phase 1 we need to implement:

Vendor evaluation

Currently there are 2 systems we are considering:

  • from Descartes
  • from Lean Logistics

CT2 and TMS integration

In a nutshell:

  • (shipment record will be created in CT2 and approved)
  • IP1: New CT2 forwarded to TMS through EDI
  • (in TMS Jag oper will run optimizations and select carrier)
  • (TMS sens bids to carriers)
  • IP2: TMS sends updates to CT2 (Carrier suggested, estim. pick up date, etc)
  • (carrier accepts the bid)
  • IP3: TMS sends updates to CT2 (Carrier confirmed, etc)
  • (start processing shipments)
  • IP4: carrier periodically submits updates into TMS (example: actual pickup date, etc)

See Figure below:

Figure Integration Points as defined by Lean

File:Ip lean 1.JPG File:Ip lean 2.JPG

Figure Integration Points as defined by Descartes

File:Descartes IPs.JPG


Below are some examples of EDI messages used in Transportation Manager.

  • 204 – Load tender message from Transportation Manager to the

carrier. A load tender is a request to pick up a shipment and move it to another location.

  • 990 – The carrier’s tender response back to Transportation Manager

(either a yes for picking up the shipment or no for not picking up the shipment).

  • 214 – A status message from the carrier to Transportation Manager

(e.g., “Delivered”).

  • 210 – An invoice from the carrier to Transportation Manager. The

invoice will have the cost details of moving the shipment.

User to TMS interaction and workflow

This is out of scope of this project. Once TMS vendor is selected and workflow design, link will be provided.

IP1 New Order

See also: Data_Dictionary_for_EDI_to_TMS#Descartes_Objects_and_fields


Example xml

Filename: Sample Shipment Import.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<ns0:Envelope xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ebi="">
      <DocShipment ShipmentNo="3161007" LoadNo="3161007" MessagePurpose="1005" CarrierCode="RDWY" EarliestAvailDate="2010-03-11T08:00:00" LatestAvailDate="2010-03-11T16:00:00" TotalWgt="98" WgtUOM="200">
        <DSGOriginAddress LocationNo="08081831" StreetName="7725 PARKLAWN AVENUE" City="EDINA" State="MN" PostalCode="55439" Country="US" CompanyName="Company ABC"></DSGOriginAddress>
        <DSGDestinationAddress LocationNo="" StreetName="95 Paquin Road                WINNIPEG
" City="MANITOBA" State="MB" PostalCode="R2J 3V9" Country="CA" CompanyName="Consumer Products"></DSGDestinationAddress>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="SBU Unit" Value="XYZ"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="System ID" Value="VSC"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="GL Account 1" Value="080807114612010000002001000000000000000000"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DocShpLineItem ContainerQuantity="1" Description="Goods" TotalLineItemWeight="98" WgtUOM="200" ContainerType="15" LineItemNumber="1"></DocShpLineItem>



IP2 Order Sequencing

IP3 Carrier Info

IP4 Load Status

Example xml

Filename: Sample Status Message.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Dragon xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:Num="Num-namespace-URI" xmlns:Num2="Num2-namespace-URI">
        <dateTime>20090402 182951</dateTime>
    <DocTracking TrackingID="2507" BOLID="359" LoadID="479" BOLNo="BOL000000358" MasterShipmentNumber="LD000000352" TrackDate="2009-04-02T13:49:00" TrackInfo="LD000000352" City="ELK GROVE VILLAGE" State="IL" Country="US" Event="2028" Reason="3042" EventDescription="Picked up" ReasonDescription="Normal" SCAC="ABCD">
      <DocShipment TrackingID="2507" ShipmentID="414" ShipmentNo="A8I106753-001">
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="" Value="0"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="Inland carrier booking no" Value="203569317"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="Shipment Type" Value="STD"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="AJK Reference Number" Value="A8I106753"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="Voyage or FlightNumber" Value="OS0094"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="Customer Reference Number" Value="757264"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="" Value="XYZ AIRLINES"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="" Value="AIR FREIGHT"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
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