Data Dictionary for EDI to TMS

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This document describes objects, fields, related XML definitions, etc that will participate in integration with TMS.


We need to identify on per fields basis:

  • CT2 fields to send to TMS for each IP
  • TMS fields to send to CT2 for each IP
  • what fields to be updated in CT2 and what in TMS
    • include into xml messaging what is required
    • if field is present in both systems then .... block user from corrupting data
  • what additional fields to create/re-define in CT2
  • what additional fields to create/re-define in TMS
  • mapping of CT2 to TMS fields

Data Dictionary

See xls in

Descartes XML Schema


XML representation of Jaguar CT record using Jaguar tags and attributes

Proof of concept New CT XML

   <E0Client>EA Arden</E0Client>
     <Commodity PO="5454" SKU="aa23" Quantity="10000" ItemDescription="soap" NumberOfPlts="2" 
      PkgsOnPlts="20" LoosePkgs="2" GW="550" GWUnit="kg" HazNonHaz="N" Stackable="Y" PiecePrice=".10"



  • A
  • AN - alphanumeric
  • N
  • D - date

CT2 Truck Dom fields

Shipper and Planner Fields

List below is from Cybertrax 2.1 Client (data dictionary)

# 1 CT fields

    * 1.1 PO Issued by
    * 1.2 Pick up Location
    * 1.3 Ship to Location
    * 1.4 Pick up Instructions
    * 1.5 Commodity Description
    * 1.6 Cargo Available
    * 1.7 Fields that Shipper can not edit
          o 1.7.1 Shipper
          o 1.7.2 Pick Up Trucker
          o 1.7.3 Delivery Trucker
          o 1.7.4 Estimated Pick up date
          o 1.7.5 Actual Pick up date
          o 1.7.6 Estimated Delivery date
          o 1.7.7 Actual Delivery date
          o 1.7.8 Last Update
          o 1.7.9 Last Update date time
          o 1.7.10 Routed Date
    * 1.8 Field related to Planners
          o 1.8.1 CT Authorization status
          o 1.8.2 Approved For Date
          o 1.8.3 Approved By
          o 1.8.4 Approved On
          o 1.8.5 Authorization Comment

# 2 Commodity fields

    * 2.1 P.O.
    * 2.2 SKU
    * 2.3 Quantity
    * 2.4 Item Description
    * 2.5 Number of Plts
    * 2.6 Pkgs on Plts
    * 2.7 Loose Pkgs
    * 2.8 GW
    * 2.9 GW Unit
    * 2.10 Haz/Non-Haz
    * 2.11 Stackable
    * 2.12 Piece price
    * 2.13 Total Value

Additional fields for Truck Dom available for Jaguar internal user

// todo: complete this sec ...

#Consol Warehouse


Sample xml messages

Sample Shipment Import

Filename: Sample Shipment Import.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<ns0:Envelope xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ebi="">
      <DocShipment ShipmentNo="3161007" LoadNo="3161007" MessagePurpose="1005" CarrierCode="RDWY" EarliestAvailDate="2010-03-11T08:00:00" LatestAvailDate="2010-03-11T16:00:00" TotalWgt="98" WgtUOM="200">
        <DSGOriginAddress LocationNo="08081831" StreetName="7725 PARKLAWN AVENUE" City="EDINA" State="MN" PostalCode="55439" Country="US" CompanyName="Company ABC"></DSGOriginAddress>
        <DSGDestinationAddress LocationNo="" StreetName="95 Paquin Road                WINNIPEG
" City="MANITOBA" State="MB" PostalCode="R2J 3V9" Country="CA" CompanyName="Consumer Products"></DSGDestinationAddress>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="SBU Unit" Value="XYZ"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="System ID" Value="VSC"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="GL Account 1" Value="080807114612010000002001000000000000000000"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DocShpLineItem ContainerQuantity="1" Description="Goods" TotalLineItemWeight="98" WgtUOM="200" ContainerType="15" LineItemNumber="1"></DocShpLineItem>

Sample Status Message

Filename: Sample Status Message.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Dragon xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:Num="Num-namespace-URI" xmlns:Num2="Num2-namespace-URI">
        <dateTime>20090402 182951</dateTime>
    <DocTracking TrackingID="2507" BOLID="359" LoadID="479" BOLNo="BOL000000358" MasterShipmentNumber="LD000000352" TrackDate="2009-04-02T13:49:00" TrackInfo="LD000000352" City="ELK GROVE VILLAGE" State="IL" Country="US" Event="2028" Reason="3042" EventDescription="Picked up" ReasonDescription="Normal" SCAC="ABCD">
      <DocShipment TrackingID="2507" ShipmentID="414" ShipmentNo="A8I106753-001">
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="" Value="0"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="Inland carrier booking no" Value="203569317"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="Shipment Type" Value="STD"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="AJK Reference Number" Value="A8I106753"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="Voyage or FlightNumber" Value="OS0094"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="Customer Reference Number" Value="757264"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="" Value="XYZ AIRLINES"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
        <DSGReferenceNumbers RefNoType="" Value="AIR FREIGHT"></DSGReferenceNumbers>
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