Salesman Profile

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General Info

Business Need

Ability to manage Salesmen Life cycle.

Business Requirements


See Salesman object.

Access Restrictions

  • These Salesman Commission Schedules and Salesman Accounts should not be visible to most users
  • They should be limited to management users only

Business Workflows and Events

Normal Workflows:

  • New Salesman Hired
  • Set Monthly target for Salesman (first time)
  • Salesman gets his first account
  • Calculate Salesman Commissions
  • Generate Salesman Target Report
  • Update Monthly target for Salesman
  • Add additional accounts
  • Close Accounts
  • Change Commission schedule
  • Delete or Archive Salesman

Some Exceptional Workflows:

  • Salesman hired with accounts
  • Client added by mistake
  • No targets set

Preliminary Design

Access Restrictions

  • Access Restrictions to info from Salesman Profiles should be limited to management users only. Access control proceeds in Users Admin Access window in "Acc.Sales Persons" line. See on Figure 0.


  • All Salesman info and controls are available through Sales Persons interface ("Acc -> Sales Persons"). See on Figure 1.
  • Sales Persons table contains list of all Salesman Profiles. This table looks the same like "Jaguar Users" table in Admin. See on Figure 2.
  • Each Salesman Profile shows in "Add/Edit Salesman Profile" window. See on Figure 3 or ZUL-prototype. This window contains three tables:
    • Commision Shedule table
      • This table corresponds to the Commission Shedule specification and represents change in Commission Percentage of current Salesman.
      • System keeps history of all set Percentage values of Salesman for each Time frame, but displays only actual of them.
      • Table consists of three columns:
        • Time Frame - time in years has elapsed since Commission Start Date.
        • Commission Percentage - number representing share of a Jaguar profit that is due to the current Salesman.
        • Date Set - date of set percentage value for Time frame for the current Salesman.
      • Current Salesman has same schedule for all of his Salesman Accounts.
    • Salesman Accounts table
      • This table contains list of all Salesman Accounts with appropriate Commission Start/End Dates.
      • Table consists of three columns:
        • Client Company (=Salesman Account) - company which agrees to send us orders (CTs).
        • Commission Start Day - first date to calculate commission for specified Client Company.
        • Commission End Day - last date to calculate commission for specified Client Company.
    • Salesman Monthly table
      • This table contains list of set target Salesman Montly values.
      • Table consists of two columns:
        • "Year-Month" pair of Salesman Monthly.
        • Salesman Monthly Target value.

Detailed Design

Normal Workflows

Each workflow below corresponds to significant "business events" related to Salesman life cycle.

All operations are done under Acc > Salesman Panel

New Salesman Hired

1) Identify Jaguar User as a Salesman

  • Check Sales Person check box on Jag User Profile
  • (we assume new Jag User has been created)

2) Set Commission Schedule

  • Goto Acc > Salesman
  • Select Salesman, click Edit
  • Goto "Commission Schedule" section
  • edit commission percentage

Set Monthly target for Salesman (first time)

  • Goto Acc > Salesman
  • Select Salesman, click Edit
  • Goto "Monthly Targets" section
  • Add targets for next 6 months

Salesman gets his first account

  • Goto Acc > Salesman
  • Select Salesman, click Edit
  • Goto "Accounts" section
  • Add Account
    • set client company
    • set start date

Calculate Salesman Commissions

Generate Salesman Target Report

Update Monthly target for Salesman

Add additional accounts

Close Accounts

  • set Commission End Date

Change Commission schedule

Delete or Archive Salesman

Some Exceptional Workflows

Salesman hired with accounts

Client added by mistake

No targets set


Figure 0. Users Access Admin window


Figure 1. Sales Persons menu item


Figure 2. Sales Persons table


Figure 3. Salesman Profile window






see #Preliminary Design

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