Client Main Report

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Revision as of 14:03, 11 August 2009 by Montira (Talk | contribs)
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Major Edits

  • --Alex 22:21, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : added Business Requirements section
  • --Alex 22:35, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : added alternative naming for specs (with "it" or "mw")
  • --Alex 22:53, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : added it2)
  • --Alex 23:15, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : updasted mw2)
  • see wiki history for minor edits


Mantis parent: 0000591:Client.Reports

Business Requirements

  • The goal of this component is to give client user ability to run reports
  • We can give same reports we have for Jag user
  • Of course we need to adapt them:
    • show client user only "his records" (that we allowed him to see)
    • show client user only "his filters" (that we allowed him to see)
    • output format might be different for jag vs non-jag user


ss1 This component consists of:

  • Client In Transit Report
  • Client Main (Wizard) Report

ss2 see separate sections in this doc for each report

Client In Transit Report SS

it1)(ss1) This is a client version of In Transit Report.

it2) (ss2) All same but:

Client Main (Wizard) Report SS

mw1) (ss1) This is a client version of Main Wizard Report

mw2) (ss2) All same but: --Alex 23:24, 31 July 2009 (UTC)

  • extra filter: Client visibility rule
  • new remove these filters:
    • Export Ref # contains:
    • Import Ref # contains:
    • Jaguar 3rd Ref # contains:

Use cases


Look And Feel


tw1) remove Go back button from the where Is top bar. -- Tira 11:20 AM 28 July 2009 (UTC)


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