Common specs for pdfs

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Textbox or Textarea input validation

Q: How to handle situation when string entered/populated into textbox / textarea (Example: Special Instructions) above does not fit into the correspondent space on pdf?

A: In this case (as on any pdf) for each single or multiline textbox/textarea there must be a max number of characters/lines determined and:

  • displayed (next to the label) (example: "max 70 chars on one line, max 4 lines")
  • validator must be added that "prevents user from entering more" OR "displays pop-up indicating that max reached". Any other alternative ideas?

Pdf zul template layout and size

  • 1] Must mimic layout on pdf
  • 2] Size of textboxes must reflect space on pdf

Commodity table section

Look and Feel

[com1] (on pdf) unit of measurement that appears to the right of the number (example: 20CBM) must be printed only on the "Total:" line

[com2] (on pdf) comtable needs vertical lines but not horizontal lines

[com3] (on pdf) comtable needs lines around it - it must be "in the box"


1] Totals for multipage:

Q: In case table is split between multiple pages, do we need to print totals line on each page or only on last page? A: Only on last page.

Common bugs / changes

  • 1] correct: CBM, wrong: CB
  • 2] correct: PCS, not HU (table header)
  • 3] correct: "TOTAL:", not "TOTALS:"
  • 4] correct: PICK-UP / XXXX wrong: PICK UP/XXX
  • 5] HU on pdf not aligned vertically
  • 6] print: Marks & Numbers, not: "CONTAINER NR"
  • 7] no need for "AS AGENTS FOR:" on pdf footer (footer that has name/signature/date)
  • 8] replace "FOR DELIVERY TO:" with "DELIVERY TO:"
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