About Software Requirements In General

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What language?

"Despite its shortcomings, structured natural language, augumented with graphical models, remains the most practical way for most software projects to document their requirements" [#KW]

How much details?

Depends on who do you want to make decision about R details and when. You need to balance cost and risk. It takes more time and cost more to develop R /document R in greater detail.

The requirements maybe vague but the product will be specific.

Ask customer: "If you do not want to make these decision now, who do you think should make them and when?"

Less detail needed

  • customers are extensively involved
  • developers have considerable domain experience

More detail needed

  • development will be outsourced
  • project team members are geographically dispersed
  • testing will be based on requirements

Duplicate or not to duplicate?

In most cases - no. Keep each in separate place and provide links.

The fuzzy line between Requirements and Design

Often said: R is about what you build and D is about how you build. Specific design imposes constraint.

Defining the project scope

The baseline



Software Requirements. Karl E. Wiegers. Microsoft Press


More about Software Requirements. Karl E. Wiegers. Microsoft Press




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