Rates DB Nov 2011 RFE

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(Desired Features and Functionality)
(Desired Features and Functionality)
Line 25: Line 25:
  Accrual Reports M
  Accrual Reports M
  Analytics, Benchmarking H
  Analytics, Benchmarking H
  Cost to Serve Analysis M
  (ON HOLD) Cost to Serve Analysis M
  RFP/RFQ Tool H
  RFP/RFQ Tool H
  Standardized Quotation Form H
  Standardized Quotation Form H

Current revision as of 14:36, 1 December 2011


[edit] Info

Mantis: 0003273: (proj: Rates DB) Provide estimate (m/h with risk) for this module/project

Wiki: http://ct.jaguarfreight.com/wiki/Rates_DB_Nov_2011_RFE

About: this wiki is Request For Estimate for entire Rates DB project. It is assumed that it is not full spec ad just brief overview therefore estimate is with risk. Level of risk should be provided (75%? 50% 25% etc)

[edit] Core requirements submitted by Module Owner

MO: Marc

[edit] Summary

The Rate Database (RDB) will serve as a centralized repository for the recording, maintenance, and various daily uses of vendor and customer rates.

The RDB will be the backbone of various tools and functionalities involving visibility, calculations, publishing, updating and otherwise manipulating rates (costs and sell).

[edit] Desired Features and Functionality

Vendor Rate Database, including a vendor rate sheet	H
Client Rate Database, including a client rate sheet	H 
Accrual Reports	M
Analytics, Benchmarking	H
(ON HOLD) Cost to Serve Analysis	M
Standardized Quotation Form	H
H - high; M - medium

[edit] Requirements translated by Analyst

BA/SA: Alex

[edit] Accrual Reports

[edit] Analytics, Benchmarking

[edit] Cost to Serve Analysis

[edit] Client Rate Database, including a client rate sheet

[edit] RFP/RFQ Tool

[edit] Standardized Quotation Form

[edit] Vendor Rate Database, including a vendor rate sheet

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