CT Group

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Business Needs and Requirements

Figure 1: List CT Groups

Several CT could be "grouped". Motivation behind that:

  • to be able to apply "same operation" to every CT with one click. For example you could change value of one CT field on multiple CT's
  • generate pdf documents that "desribe" combined "values" from multiple CTs
  • post comments into multiple CTs with one click
  • see P/L report for combined CTs
  • etc

Air and Ocean and Truck CTs sometimes needs to be grouped under Ocean or Air mode.

Technical Specification

Figure 2. Edit group


Groups functionality consists of:

  • Create Edit and List Groups Functionality
  • Group related functionality in different parts of the system

Create Edit and List Groups Functionality

  • CT Group entity has the following attributes:
    • Group number:
      • system generated
      • starts with GRP
    • Transport Mode:
      • possible values = {{all non-trucking modes}, Truck}
    • Client:
      • same entity as in Admin > Clients
    • List of CT#s:
      • the max # of CTs in the group = 40
  • Group has a minimum of 2 members
  • A group for which less than 2 CT's are attached to is "void" (no longer a group)
  • [MOT lock] After CT becomes part of the group MOT on general tab must become read-only
  • If a CT is added to a group then CT's client (E0), will be updated to client (E0) and Mode that the group is set to.
  • Group with Transport Mode = any but "Trucking":
    • can be formed based on CTs with MOT: any
    • mode of CTs added: any
    • group's "MOT(mode)" parameter could be changed. Then all groups member CT's Client are "force-changed" to new value
    • If a CT is added to a group then CT's Mode, will be updated to client (E0) and Mode that the group is set to.
  • Group with Transport Mode = "Trucking":
    • can be formed based on CTs with MOT: only truck CTs
    • mode of CTs added: only truck CTs could be added
    • "change" CT mode after CT is added to the group: no change
    • can we change to another MOT, say "air"? Yes

User Interface



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