Main Report

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(Output Settings)
Line 627: Line 627:
* remove Undefined tab
* remove Undefined tab
* no need to "group by master"
* no need to "group by master"
=== SOW 3 Add Addressbook info to list of Output fields  ===
'''mantises''': [ '''4398'''], [ '''4323''']
==== Core Requirements ====
* We need to add as Filters the following CT fields:
** Shipper GEN 2 (all modes)
** Consignee GEN 3 (all modes)
** Pick up Location GEN 5 (all modes)
** Export Delivery Location GEN 6 (air/ocean)
** Import Pick up Location IMP 8 (ocean) IMP T6 (air)
** Final Delivery Location IMP 5 (ocean) IMP T7 (air) and GEN 6 (truck)
* For each address above we should have add1/add2/city/state/zip/country/contact/comments/etc as outputs.
==== Solution ====
* Add Filters:
* Add Output Fields:

Revision as of 18:54, 15 January 2014




BR: Business Requirements

  • Need to add "Undefined" Mode to the list of Transport Mode filters for reports
  • Need to add Report filter/output for Booking #


To my knowledge requirements are fully covered in these docs:

todo: Tira, when you have free time pls migrate requirements above into this wiki doc

SD: Systems Design


Main Report (also called Main Wizard) is one of core reports of CT2. It provides the ability to search and display shipments, which comply to user-defined conditions.

  • Main Report is similar to Where Is Report, but provides more options for searching of shipments and displaying them.
  • Main Report (exactly the same as Where Is Report) NOT uses any Hard Coded Conditions.
  • All needed User Defined Conditions (these are also called filters) are divided into groups in accordance with the area of them influence.
    • Each group of filters is presented on the template of the Report in the form of Tab with the same name. For details see Filters section.


Main Report is available from the Main Menu of CT2 on the next path: "Reports -> Operational -> Main". See Figure 0.

  • In order to generate report user have to:
    • configure Filters on the template (see Figure 1) and
    • click appropriate button for needed action

Main Report can be managed also through Saved/Scheduled Reports section.

  • To do this, need to select this report from the class report dropdown and set the satisfied filters. See Figure 2.


Result of the Report that will be showed to user depends of the values of the Filters.

All Filters are divided into the next groups:

General Filters

General Filters Tab looks like on Figure 3.

GENERAL FILTERS are placed on the template in the following order:

Transportation Filters

Transportation Filters Tab looks like on Figure 4.

TRANSPORTATION FILTERS are placed on the template in the following order:

  • Airlines:.
    • Mapped to Airline (a.k.a. ExpTab.4) from ExpTab of CT.
      • Airlines dropdown list should be mapped to Admin > Address Book > Vendors and provide for the selection a list of vendors with V1="Yes".
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Air and doesn't affect on the all of rest shipments.
  • Container #s:.
    • Mapped to Container Num from Containers Table on ContTab of CT.
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = {Ocean FCL, Ocean LCL, Trucking-Ocean} and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Origin Airports:.
    • Mapped to Airport Of Departure (a.k.a. ExpTab.11a) from ExpTab of CT.
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Air and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Destination Airports:.
    • Mapped to Airport Of Destination (a.k.a. ExpTab.14a) from ExpTab of CT.
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Air and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Steamshiplines:.
    • Mapped to Steamshipline (a.k.a. ExpTab.4) from ExpTab of CT.
      • Steamshiplines dropdown list should be mapped to Admin > Address Book > Vendors and provide for the selection a list of vendors with V2="Yes".
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Ocean and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Origin Ports/Terminals:.
    • Mapped to Origin Terminal (a.k.a. ExpTab.11a) from ExpTab of CT.
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Ocean and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Destination Ports/Terminals:.
    • Mapped to Destination Terminal (a.k.a. ExpTab.15a) from ExpTab of CT.
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Ocean and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Vessel Name contains:.
    • Mapped to Vessel Name (a.k.a. ExpTab.9a) from ExpTab of CT.
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Ocean and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Pickup Truckers:.
    • Mapped to Pick Up Trucker (a.k.a. GenTab.8) from GenTab of CT.
      • Pickup Truckers dropdown list should be mapped to Admin > Address Book > Vendors and provide for the selection a list of vendors with V3="Yes".
  • PT Numbers:.
    • Mapped to PT Number from GenTab of CT.
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Trucking and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Delivery Truckers:.
    • Mapped to Delivery Trucker (a.k.a. ImpTab.9) from ImpTab of CT.
      • Delivery Truckers dropdown list should be mapped to Admin > Address Book > Vendors and provide for the selection a list of vendors with V3="Yes".
    • This filter is not applicable for all kinds of Trucking MOT.
  • DT Numbers:.
    • Mapped to DT Number from GenTab of CT.
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Trucking and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Co-Loaders Ocean:.
    • Mapped to Co-Loaders (a.k.a. ExpTab.5) from ExpTab of CT.
      • Co-Loaders Ocean dropdown list should be mapped to Admin > Address Book > Vendors and provide for the selection a list of vendors with V5="Yes".
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = {Ocean FCL, Ocean LCL, Trucking-Ocean} and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
  • Co-Loaders Air:.
    • Mapped to Co-Loaders (a.k.a. ExpTab.5) from ExpTab of CT.
      • Co-Loaders Air dropdown list should be mapped to Admin > Address Book > Vendors and provide for the selection a list of vendors with V6="Yes".
    • This filter is applicable only for MOT = Air and doesn't affect on the all of rest CTs.
Date Filters

Date Filters Tab looks like on Figure 5.

Every Date Filter is a pair of "from" and "to" databoxes (to select range).

  • NOTE: System uses the next logic for validating of every filter : from date MUST not be after to date (chronologically).

In the Main Report is used following DATE FILTERS (in that order of locating on the template):

Acc Filters

ACC (Accounting) FILTERS Tab contains the following filters:

  • Currency.
  • Bill To Party Companies (multiselected)
Condition Filters

Condition Filters Tab looks like on Figure 6.

In the Main Report is used following CONDITION FILTERS (in that order of locating on the template):

  • On Customer Hold:. Radio group "Yes/No" pre-filled to "No" value.
  • Pending Approval Mode:. Radio group "Yes/No" pre-filled to "No" value.
  • Consol Warehouse:. Dropdown list pre-filled to "-undefined-" value.
  • Billed:. Radio group "Yes/No" pre-filled to "Yes" value.
    • When "Yes" is selected (means "Billed") then report should include only CTs for which Jaguar Sales Invoice was generated (at least one).
    • When "No" is selected (means "Not Billed") then report should include only CTs for which Jaguar Sales Invoice wasn't generated (no Invoices).
  • Created Since:. Datebox pre-filled to blank.
    • Mapped to Created On Date.
    • When datebox is filled with some value of date then report should include only those CTs which were created after that date.
  • In Transit only. This checkbox provides turning on/off "In Transit" conditions for includings CTs to output result.
  • All General Filters (except "No Archived" checkbox) and Transportation Filters are multiselect.
  • Every filter connected by AND and selections inside filter are connected by OR.
  • Empty Filters don't affect on the result of the Report.

Output Settings

There is one more Tab on the template - Output. It is located the latest immediately after the filter's tabs.

  • This tab is designed to manage of the list of Output Fields (list of CT fields that can be output to the Report).
  • On the Tab located the following elements (see Figure 7):
    • Dropdown list labelled as "Fields" that corresponds to the following list of Output Fields:
      • Shipper (output by default)
      • Consignee (output by default)
      • Transport Mode (output by default)
      • Commodity Item P.O.
      • Commodity Item SKU
      • Commodity Item Description
      • Commodity Item Quantity
      • Commodity Item Total Pallets
      • Commodity Item Total Loose Packages
      • Commodity Item Gross Kg
      • Chargeable Weight (list on commodity line)
        • If more than 1 commodity line for CT, list only on the first line and leave 2nd, 3rd, etc blank. See Figure 10 for example
      • Departure (output by default)
      • Destination (output by default)
      • Departure Region
      • Destination Region
      • Notification Date
      • Authorization Date
      • Estimated Departure Date
      • Actual Departure Date (output by default)
      • Estimated Arrival Date
      • Actual Arrival Date (output by default)
      • Estimated Collection Date
      • Actual Collection Date
      • Estimated Delivery Date
      • Actual Delivery Date (output by default)
      • Created On Date (output by default)
      • Vessel Name
      • Flight Number
      • Container Description
      • HAWB #
      • Shipping Line
      • Airline
      • Commodity Item Extra Field 1
      • Commodity Item Extra Field 2
      • Commodity Item Extra Field 3
      • Steamshipline Booking #
      • Commodity Item Gross Lb
      • Pickup Trucker
      • Delivery Trucker
      • PT Number
      • DT Number
      • Pickup Location
      • Origin City
      • Origin State
      • Origin ZIP
      • Delivery Location
      • Destination City
      • Destination State
      • Destination ZIP
      • Load Number
      • Pro Number
      • Commodity Item Total Value
      • Cargo Due Date
      • Client Company
      • Containers
      • CT Total Pallets
      • CT Total Packages on Pallets
      • CT Total Loose Packages
      • CT Gross Weight (lb)
      • CT Cubic Meters
      • CT Total Value
      • Transit Time
      • Shipping Term
      • GRP#
      • Containers TEU
      • VAT Amount
      • Duty Amount
      • Freight Amount
      • Air Amount
      • FCL Amount
      • LCL Amount
      • Trucking Amount
      • Other Amount
      • Warehouse Amount
      • Customs Amount
      • China Amount
      • Origin Country
      • Destination Country
      • MAWB #
      • 4 Last Comments
      • Shipper Address 1
      • Shipper Address 2
      • Shipper City
      • Shipper State
      • Shipper ZIP
      • Shipper Phone #
      • Shipper Contact Person
      • Consignee Address 1
      • Consignee Address 2
      • Consignee City
      • Consignee State
      • Consignee ZIP
      • Consignee Phone #
      • Consignee Contact Person
      • HB/L #
      • MB/L #
      • Fedex Tracking
      • Pickup Comments
    • Set of control buttons:
      • ">>" - moves selected item from dropdown list to the listbox
      • "<<" - removes selected item from the listbox (and move it to the listbox)
      • "All" - moves all Output Fields from the dropdown list to the listbox
      • "Clear" - completely clears the listbox
      • "Up" - in the listbox moves selected item up one position
      • "Down" - in the listbox moves selected item down one position
    • Listbox that contains fields for output. By default contains list of output fields what are bolder than other in common list:
      • Shipper, Consignee, Transport Mode, Departure, Destination, Actual Departure Date, Actual Arrival Date, Actual Delivery Date, Created On Date.
  • NOTE: Dropdown list shouldn't include those fields that were selected for the output and are displayed in the listbox.

Action Controls

  • Reset Form button:
to clear form
  • Generate Result button:
to generate report


The output results of Main Report is displayed in the new window (see Figure 3) and can be obtained in two formats:

HTML output form

  • big bold label "Main"
  • two action buttons:
    • "Go Back" - allows go back to the template of the Report.
    • "Download to Excel" - allows to save the report in spreadsheet's form to user's computer.
  • list of selected Filters

This is a table that contains a list of CTs, which are separated by tabs in accordance with the appropriate MOT.

There are five tabs on the resulting table:

  • UNDEFINED - for UNDEFINED shipments
  • OCEAN-FCL - same as above but for Ocean-FCL (AW/MLB) shipments
  • OCEAN-LCL - for Ocean-LCL and Client Consol shipments
  • AIR - for AIR shipments
  • TRUCKING - for all kind of Trucking shipments

On the label of each tab also displays a count of found shipments.

  • CT # - CT Number with hyperlink to View CT form in Internal App
  • Shipper - Mapped to Shipper (a.k.a. GenTab.2) from GenTab of CT. Displays Shipper's Name with Shipper's city. Example: MHI - TETERBORO.
  • Consignee - Mapped to Consignee (a.k.a. GenTab.3) from GenTab of CT. Displays Consignee's Name with Consignee's city. Looks the same as above.
  • Transport Mode - Mapped to Mode Of Transport (MOT) (a.k.a. GenTab.F) from GenTab of CT.
  • Departure - Location that shipment is moved from (port). Displays a pair of City and Country. Example: Hamburg, Germany.
    • Mapped to:
  • Destination - Location that shipment is moved to (port). Displays a pair of City and Country the same as for Departure.
  • Act Depart - Actual Date of Departure as define in Filters section for Actual Departure Date filter.
  • Act Arriv - Actual Date of Arrival as define in Filters section for Actual Arrival Date filter.
  • Act Deliv - Actual Date of Delivery as define in Filters section for Actual Delivery Date filter.
Paging and Sorting
  • Output HTML table uses standart ZK Paging feature. Each page contains 20 lines.
  • Sorting of table proceeds by first column - CT Number, in ascending order.

Spreadsheet output form

  • Title of the Report
  • Datetime stamp
  • Criteria(list of filters selected)
  • CT2 logo in the top right corner

Output spreadsheet contains information in separate tabs each of which corresponds to one MOT.

Tabs are placed in the next order (each tab name contains appropriate name of MOT and the count of shipments that found for it):

  • AIR,

At the beginning of body for each tab displays its name in accordance with the MOT and the count of found documents. In the next line of section displayed columns' headers. Then, line by line displayed information for each CT that were included to Report for this MOT.


List of columns is defined on the Output Tab on the template of the Main Report.

Paging and Sorting
  • For the Spreadsheet output form a using of Paging is not required.
  • Sorting of Spreadsheet table proceeds for the each MOT Tab by first column - CT Number, in ascending order.


Figure 0: Main Menu item


Figure 1: Main Report Filters


Figure 2: Saved/Scheduled Reports window


Figure 3: Main Report General Filters


Figure 4: Main Report Transportation Filters


Figure 5: Main Report Date Filters


Figure 6: Main Report Condition Filters


Figure 7: Main Report Output Tab


Figure 8: Main Report Output HTML form

Figure 9: Main Report Output Spreadsheet form

Figure 10: Main Report Output Spreadsheet form Chargeable Weight

File:Main Report Fig 10.JPG


previous version of spec -


tw1) Update the output list to be the same as Client Main Report Output list

tw2) Default selected output list in the combo box as list below:

  • Shipper
  • Consignee
  • Mode
  • Departure
  • Destination
  • Chargeable Weight --> Removed from the default -- Tira 11:30 AM 16 Jan 2010
  • Actual Departure Date
  • Actual Arrival Date
  • Actual Delivery Date

The rest of the list should be in default dropdown

tw3) Update label names:

  • from "Departure Estimated Date" to "Estimated Departure Date"
  • from "Departure Actual Date" to "Actual Departure Date"
  • from "Arrival Estimated Date" to "Estimated Arrival Date"
  • from "Arrival Actual Date" to "Actual Arrival Date"

tw4) Update filter names as listed below:

  • From Countries -> Origin Countries
  • To Countries -> Destination Countries
  • From Regions -> Origin Regions
  • To Regions -> Destination Regions

Tweaks version 1.1.a

Note: Tira 9:50 28 Oct 2009

tw1) Add summary shipment record() count on the report to indicate that how many shipments...

tw2) Create a HTML result page before excel report

tw3) Create download to excel button -> generate xls report

Note About Containers

Note about Archived CTs

They are not included into this Report

Tweaks version 1.1.b

tw1) Main Report - List of Transport Mode (filter) MUST include "UNDEFINED" as well. -- Tira 11:00 AM Feb 2, 2010

Ver 1.2

  • spec updated? No
  • 0001853: (Main Wizard) Add more OUTPUT options: Extra1, Extra2, Extra3 (as in 0001880)
  • see 1880 for details

Ver 1.3

  • spec updated? No
  • 0001883: (Main Wizard) Add more FILTERS: PO contains, SKU contains; Extra1 contains, Extra2 contains, Extra3 contains (as in 1854)
  • see 1854 for details


  • 0001924: (Main Wizard) Add Container Number Field to Output
  • Add to the list below "Container Description"



Mantis: 1752

  • Need to add "Undefined" Mode to the list of Transport Mode filters for reports: scheduled reports, regular main reports and Main reports on the Client interface
  • Also need to list this on the spreadsheet even if the Transportation Mode filter is not selected (as it must show results for all modes of transport including "UNDEFINED")
  • current revision


  • Add Undefined Mode to Transport Mode filter on General filters tab



Mantis: 1764

  • Need to add Report filter for Booking # which is found on the export tab under field # 6; also Main reports on the Client interface
  • Also need to list this output on the spreadsheet
  • current revision


  • Add Booking # filter on Main report, Schedule Main report, client Main report m2040

Booking #

  • Label: Booking # contains:
  • Widget: textbox , can be multiple selected
  • Location: After Jaguar 3rd Ref # contains:
  • Add Booking # on Output tab
  • Default: on the left side dropdown list

NOTE: this field is applied to Ocean shipments ONLY



  • Change: Do not repeat chargeable weight per commodity line


SOW 1 Accounting fields should be visible for Account Users only

mantis: 4021

Core Requirements

  • There are the list of Accounting fields for output in Main Report:
  • Vat Amount
  • Duty Amount
  • Freight Amount
  • Air Amount
  • FCL Amount
  • LCL Amount
  • Trucking Amount
  • Other Amount
  • Warehouse Amount
  • Customs Amount
  • China Amount
  • All these fields shouldn't be available in "Main" Report that is accessible for ALL users.
  • Probably, we need separate report class the same as "Main" that contains Accounting Fields (e.g. "Special Main").
  • Only Super Acc and Management users could have access to "Special Main" Report.


  • It is suggested to have two types of "Main" Report
  • Common "Main" Report - without Accounting Fields and accessible for all users.
  • Special "Main" Report - with Accounting Fields and accessible for allowed users only:
  • Super Acc users.
  • Management users.
  • Internal Application
  • Add special "Main" Report to list of Accounting Reports menu and display it for allowed users only
  • Leave common "Main" Report where it is but remove all "Amounts" from its list of Output Fields
  • Provide user-specific updates in regards of special "Main" in "Saved/Scheduled Reports" section:
  • Visibility for allowed users in List of reports (and hide it if user isn't allowed)
  • The same for editing/deleting/generating of the each type of "Main" Report:
  • Report class list
  • Recipients
  • Output fields
  • Generated results
  • Client Application
  • Client Application should provide only common type of Main Report

Post-Implementation Notes

  • The feature was implemented in the same report (no new special type of the one).
  • Accounting fields and related functionality are presented only for allowed users - Management and Super Acc.
  • Super Acc and Management users are able to add any users to recipients lists in Scheduled reports - according to Marc's additional req.

SOW 2 Add In Transit conditions to Main Report

Add additional option to apply "In Transit hardcoded conditions" to results of Main Report.

These conditions are defined here: In_Transit_Report#Hard_Coded_Conditions.

As far as User Interface: it is suggested by Marc to have it as a checkbook with a label "Show In Transit records only".

This checkbox is to be added on #Condition Filters tab.

If checked:

  • remove Undefined tab
  • no need to "group by master"

SOW 3 Add Addressbook info to list of Output fields

mantises: 4398, 4323

Core Requirements

  • We need to add as Filters the following CT fields:
    • Shipper GEN 2 (all modes)
    • Consignee GEN 3 (all modes)
    • Pick up Location GEN 5 (all modes)
    • Export Delivery Location GEN 6 (air/ocean)
    • Import Pick up Location IMP 8 (ocean) IMP T6 (air)
    • Final Delivery Location IMP 5 (ocean) IMP T7 (air) and GEN 6 (truck)
  • For each address above we should have add1/add2/city/state/zip/country/contact/comments/etc as outputs.


  • Add Filters:
  • Add Output Fields:
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