2011 July August

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(Overview of mantis)
(Overview of mantis)
Line 339: Line 339:
Also there are 2 backlog folders:
Also there are 2 backlog folders:
** BA Backlog - tasks that are suggested for future BA Sprints
* BA Backlog - tasks that are suggested for future BA Sprints
* Dev Backlog - tasks that are passed BA/SA, estimated and waiting for future Dev Sprints
** Dev Backlog - tasks that are passed BA/SA, estimated and waiting for future Dev Sprints
Finally we have:
Finally we have:

Revision as of 19:36, 16 August 2011


Sprint Info

  • Start: May 30 Mon
  • Staging: July 4 Mon
  • Prod: July 7 Thu
  • Working Days: 23
  • Holidays: none

Daily Log

PM & Estim week schedule and project reviews with Sprint manager

  • Mon (Jul 4) - preliminary new Sprint plan is to be announced (Alex)
  • Tue - Smartphone App (Kostya)
  • Wed

- Int Portal (Sasha);

- EDI with Trenset (Misha)

  • Th - Rates DB (AK/Misha)
  • Fri - Dash/DashReps framework&reports (AK)
  • Mon & Tue (Jul 11, 12)

- follow up meetings for all key projects discussed last week - review of Dev Methodology, mantis structure, fields, roles and responsibilities, etc - New Sprint plan is to be confirmed

DT WUp - Dev team weekly updates meeting

  • When: Thursdays, 7-9 am
  • Who: all devs, QAs, Sup eng
  • Why:
    • individual updates from developers/QA/support:
      • explain tasks assigned
      • what work has been completed over last week
      • on schedule? behind schedule? why? how to improve? how to learn from this?
      • suggestions from everyone
    • updates/conclusions from Lead PM
      • old/new biz proc review\
      • systems review
      • updates from upper managers

Org chart


Roles and relationships

File:No SA process Apr 13.jpg

New Mantis



Name Descr
* Archived / Released All tasks that have been released, completed, discontinued, etc
* CT2 map All CT2 components, subcomponents, etc (a.k.a. “parents”)
* Watchlists / Files / Misc
0. Support Support related tasks
1. Backlog Dev backlog (pre-BA and tasks on hold)
2. BA Sprint tasks in current BA sprint
3. Dev Est tasks passed BA phase and in Estimation phase by development
4. Dev Sprint tasks in current Dev sprint
5. WU Backlog Wiki update backlog (tasks released but not wiki updated)


Name Meaning Type Possible Values
 %UAT to be discontinued?Numeric
 %WU to be discontinued?Numeric
.amh total num of dev man hours spentString
.emh estimated man hoursFloat
.emhR estimated man hours with RiskFloat
.rmhR remaining man hours (with Risk)Float
b? bug?Enumeration Y
comp CT2 componentEnumeration AccCore|AccMisc|AccReps|-|OpsCore|OpsMisc|OpsRep|OpsPdf|-|Misc/Sys|JagIT|-|Client|ClientReps|
p.BA Business AnalystEnumeration Denise|Tracie|Alex|Tira
p.Dev DeveloperEnumeration Kostya|Sasha|Koltsov|Mihail|Vlad|Andrei|Roma|Alex|Tira
p.MO Module OwnerEnumeration Simon|Marc|Karen|Alex|Chikei|All
p.SQA Systems and Quality AnalystEnumeration AG|Roma
phase Dev phaseEnumeration Dev|QA|UAT|WU
QApf passed QA?Enumeration pass|fail
Rel# Release number (discontinue?)Enumeration
Spec updated wiki spec updated after implementation?Enumeration Yes|N/A
Spr# Sprint numberEnumeration jan7-feb3|April|JA.dev|JA.ba|AS.dev|AS.ba
T PriorityEnumeration p0|p1|p2|p3|p4|p5|p6|p7|p8|p9

Aug 4

Todos Roma:

  • For Pdfs:
    • move all wikis from "Ops Pdfs Coommon" to "OpsPdfsMisc"; kill Common
    • move 1997 1686 1698 1755 1680 1666 into 664

For OpsReps:

  • move 1585 2036 into 1600

Todos AG:

  • create mantis and wiki struct for OpsCore, OpsMisc, Client and call(present) BA/SQA team for review

Todos Alex:

  • create mantis and wiki struct for JagIT, MiscSys and call(present) BA/SQA team for review

Aug 5 Fri

Roma todos:

  • when have time review all bugs in DevEst (count: 30). Suggest a list for next Spr.

Aug 6

Clients E0:

Cosmetech Mably Europe
Cosmetech Mably Int'l
Cosmetech Mably Int'l (HK) Ltd
Coty Australia
Coty Espana
Coty Geneva S.A Div. CP Trex
Coty Prestige Japan K.K.
Coty Prestige Southeast Asia (HK) Ltd
Coty Prestige Southeast Asia Pte. Ltd.
Coty Sanford
Coty Sanford Vendors
Coty Services and Logistics
Coty Shanghai
Coty UK

Bill To:

Coty US LLC - Sanford


10 users, all have email like @cotyinc.com

Aug 15

Columns for "View Issues" page in "3. Dev Sprint" folder:

Status ph s# T m MO BA QA Dv .e .eR .rR 1 2 3 4 b <checkbox> <edit pen> ID comp Summary

Aug 16

BA Sprint Manager and Solutions Architect role

Currently in this role: Alex

BA Sprint Manager role:

  • Responsible for overall success of the BA Sprint and architecture of the system from business standpoint
  • plans and monitors BA Sprint (during this sprint Biz Requirements are developed)
  • plan is to be submitted to Board for approval
  • Ideally all tasks planned for this Sprint should be delivered on time

Solutions Architect role:

  • Responsible for overall architecture of the system from business standpoint (and in some sense from technical point as well)
  • review of all changes
  • detailed review of changes that affects core of the system
  • develop/document solution for above-mentioned changes
  • manage BA backlog (together with BAs)
  • make sure that all changes submitted are in sync with Product Vision
  • help MOs/BAs/Sales to develop product vision
  • suggest new features as required

Dev Sprint Manager and Support Manager role

Currently in this role: Tira

Dev Sprint Management:

Responsible for overall success of the Dev Sprint. Ideally all tasks planned for the Sprint should be delivered on time.

  • Before Sprint starts:
    • request wish list from BAs for next Spr
    • identify tasks that will roll over from current sprint
    • calculate emh per developer and make sure it is reasonable
    • if space permits add more tasks from "Dev Backlog"
    • send this list to BAs/MOs for review
    • schedule CT2 Board and confirm final version there
    • get together with BAs and map tasks into weeks (use 1,2,3,4 mantis fields to indicate num of week when task will be completed)
    • email this project plan to everyone
  • During the Sprint:
    • once a week look at tasks scheduled to be completed that week (in mantis sort by week# and see if there any tasks tagged for this week and still in Dev). If there are ask developer/BA why, what is the new estimate. Escalate issue to Dev Manager as required.
    • (optional but useful) have weekly status update meeting with all developers/QAs/BAs
  • At the end of the Sprint:
    • remind everyone that after release to staging all tasks must be in UAT passed state
    • compile and email brief release notes (detailed are to be compiled by BAs)
    • is some tasks with m=Y are delayed make decision to postpone release or carry over those tasks
    • email confirmed date of release

Support Management:

Responsible for overall success of the Support function. Also monitor:

  • WU and TG phase (tasks should not accumulate there)
  • Support folder (tasks should not accumulate there)


  • all support requests are handled on timely manner
  • all component wikis are updated regularly and quickly
  • all users are trained in new features right after Release

Pls note that there are 2 levels of Support:

  • BAs (level 1)
  • QAs (level 2)

Dev Manager and Technical Architect role

Currently in this role: Kostya

  • Responsible for overall success of the System from technical standpoint.
  • Design best architecture and monitor
  • Assign developers to components as required
  • Apply best frameworks and practices
  • review code and mentor developers
  • be escalation point if developers are not performing
  • share responsibility that system is designed accordingly to specs and with high quality.
  • etc

Overview of mantis

All "active" tasks are distributed across the following folders:

  • 1. Support - all support tasks like help desk requests, training, etc
  • 2. BA Sprint - all tasks in current BA Sprint
  • 3. Dev Sprint - all tasks in current Dev sprint

Every task in BA Sprint travels through these phases (field "ph"):

  • BA
  • SA
  • Est

Every task in Dev Sprint travels through these phases:

  • Dev
  • QA
  • UAT
  • WU
  • TG

Also there are 2 backlog folders:

  • BA Backlog - tasks that are suggested for future BA Sprints
  • Dev Backlog - tasks that are passed BA/SA, estimated and waiting for future Dev Sprints

Finally we have:

  • Archived / Released
  • CT2 map - all CT2 parents (sub-components)
  • Watchlists / Files / Misc
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