Salesman MAIN

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All wikis for this component are located in [[:Category:Salesman]]
All wikis for this component are located in [[:Category:Salesman]]
Other wikis:
* [[Salesman MAIN]] - main wiki
* [[Commissions Report]] - component
* Commissions Report
* [[Salesman DD]] - data dictionary
* Salesman DD
* [[Salesman GLOSSARY]] - glossary and concepts
* Salesman GLOSSARY
* [[Salesman Profile]] - component
* Salesman Profile
* [[Salesman Target Report]] - component
* Salesman Target Report
* [[Salesman UC]] - use cases
* Salesman UC
== Functionality Overview ==
== Functionality Overview ==

Revision as of 18:46, 8 July 2010



Module is required in CT2 to calculate salesman commissions and other salesman related tasks and reports.


This is a main wiki for Salesman module.

All wikis for this component are located in Category:Salesman

Functionality Overview

There are 3 components at the moment:

  • Salesman Profile:
    • tag jag user as a salesman
    • manage commission schedule
    • manage salesman accounts
    • manage monthly targets
  • Commissions Report
  • Salesman Target Report
  • Misc:
    • set access permissions

Salesman Profile

Commissions Report

Target Report


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